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~ Killian ~

The castle was alive with people. Royalty from other kingdoms, realms, everywhere. Our kingdom was very well known for Liam's work in the navy and big events were often celebrated with huge balls. Everyone has someone to talk to and dance with. Except me. It's been this way for as long as I could remember. All the princess were attracted to Liam and now he's gone I still don't get much attention. However Liam was never betrothed and I am. And all the kingdoms knew that.

So, as the ball progressed so did my boredom. My mother was dancing with my father and it was good to see them enjoying themselves for once. They disappeared into the crowd and I sighed as I tried to think of what I could do.

"Wow, I never thought I'd see a prince as handsome as you siting alone."

I hear a feminine voice and I shot my head up. I couldn't believe it.

"Emma? What- how the hell are you here?!"

"My mother and father would never miss a ball like this, and they wouldn't leave me alone in the castle so, here I am!"

I smiled and stood up to give her a huge hug. She looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a beautiful red ball gown and her golden hair was pinned up and pieces were curled. She looked normal again after two weeks in bed.

"Well, my lady. You care to dance with this handsome prince?"

"I'd love to."

We both smiled at eachother and walked into the middle of the ballroom as the orchestra began a new song. We glided across the floor like there was no one else in the room but us.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"Much better thank you. I wouldn't miss this ball for the world."

"How many balls have you actually been to?"

"None, well one now."


"My parents didn't like taking me places. They wanted a son but instead got me. That why I got betrothed. Because they wanted me to get married as soon as possible."

"Well your even better. Dont let that shake your confidence Swan."

"Is that still appropriate to call me? Pretty sure I'm a Nolan now."

"Maybe, but I think it suits you."

We danced for the majority of the night and we then headed out to the royal gardens. The moon had reached its peak in the sky and light up the darkness around us. I saw a red rose growing amongst the white ones in our garden and i picked it.

"Looks like your gardener planted the wrong flower in the wrong place."

"For you, princess."

Her face lit up and the moon left a reflection in her emerald eyes. She started moving closer towards me and staring at me lips. I knew what was about to happen, so I started moving closer too. Our lips connected and it felt like sparks had went off, but it didn't last long. Emma pulled away and had a puzzled look on her face.

Unwritten| Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now