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Three years later

~ Emma ~

It's been a journey, a long, emotional and tiring journey. But, me and Killian pulled through. Being 21 gave me another view on our marriage and I'm really starting to enjoy it. We've spent loads of time together (if you know what i mean...) and we've got to know each other a bit better too.

Killian had mended his relationship with his parents, but both of us still held a grudge against his father for burning down Ingrid's villiage. Also, my parents realised that they needed to take my thoughts and feelings about things into consideration instead of their own. Everything really did fall into place.

Except one little thing

Every night, Killian would stand on our balcony, staring at the ocean than he longed to journey upon. Within the last three year, we have been on many ships, sailing to balls and all sorts. But the ship journeys wouldn't last more than a day and Killian's father was made aware of that. Although he gave Killian permission to join the navy, he regretted his decision and kept a close eye on us both when travelling. It broke my heart seeing Killian long to be sailing on the ocean, but Killian is a man of honour and wouldn't go against his fathers word.

Tonight we were having a anniversary ball for me and Killian's 3rd wedding anniversary. Celebrating occasions by holding balls has become one of my favourite things. I love wearing the ball gowns and dancing, all the things I used to hate.

As I was organising down in ballroom, Killian came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?"

"Great, you got out of bed awfully early this morning."

"I know, I just had to help out with the whole ball thing for tonight."

"Well I missed my morning cuddles."

I turned around and kissed his cheek, leaving him with a huge grin on his face.

"There, you got your cuddles and your kiss. Now what else do you need."

"So sassy, well I need to go to my parents castle for something. I'll see you when I come back?"

"Yeah, have fun."

"I'll try."

We both laughed before I kissed him goodbye and he left our castle. My parents walked in a few minutes later with huge smiles on their faces.

"Your both are very perky this morning."

"We're just happy."

"And why is that."

"Cause our little girl is celebrating her wedding anniversary and is thinking about having her own family."


"Oh Emma, you can talk about babies around me and your father."

"Woah woah, who said anything about babies?"

"Oh, we bumped into Killian on the way inside. He said that you wanted to start a family soon?"

Unwritten| Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now