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~ Emma ~

It's been another few weeks. I haven't seen much of Killian, other than the one gathering we had to plan the wedding with our parents. The wedding is next week and I don't know how I'm feeling about it. Yes, I love Killian. Yes, he loves me. But because of the situation, it's just a little bit rushed.

Today is finally my 18th birthday and I asked my parents to not hold a ball. They weren't too happy with my decision but they didn't want to upset me.

I hadn't got anything planned for today, just to absorb my last remaining days of freedom before wife duties take over. I had a thought of going to visit Ingrid, but I didn't tell my parents that either.

I woke early and got changed into some riding clothes. I braided my hair then put in my boots before running down the staircases and into the lounge. Many maids and butlers wished me happy birthday on my way down to which I thanked them. Soon I found my parents sitting in the lounge waiting for me. They both smiled and hugged me.

"Happy birthday sweetheart."

"Happy birthday Em."

"Thank you mother, father."

"So, we know you don't want to have a ball and that's understandable. But we invited King Brennan, Queen Isabelle and Killian over for dinner tonight. Just for a last get together prior to the wedding."

"Oh, that sounds great! I was actually going to ask if I could go out riding for a bit?"

"Absolutely not-"

"David, she's eighteen now. Maybe we should?"

"Snow, im sorry but it's too dangerous. You saw what Regina did to her last time, we almost lost her! Listen to me Emma. I know your an adult now, but that isn't going to change the fact that Regina wants you dead."

My heart sunk to my stomach. I longed to see Ingrid and Kevin again more than anything.

"It's alright. But can I just go tend to the horses? You know how much I loved to groom them when I was younger."

"Yes of course. We shall see you later then?"

"Yeah. I'll be right back."

I kissed my mothers cheek and hugged my father then ran down to the stables. I took a leap of faith and climbed onto a horse and galloped out of the castle grounds. I didn't care how much trouble I got into, I needed to see Ingrid and Kevin again.

I decided to take a breather after an hour of riding and fed the horse I had taken. Just as I got back on to the horse, I heard galloping in the distance. I was about to ride away before I recognised who was on the horse.


"Well well, I've found a runaway princess."

"I'm not a runaway."

"Well maybe, but I know your not supposed to be out of the castle grounds. So that makes you a runaway."

"Right alright, yes I ran away."


"Beside my parents are being asses and won't let me see Ingrid."

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