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~ Emma ~

"We have planned to resit the dinner we planned for your birthday tonight. You know, just to have one last look through the wedding plans."

My mother and father had sat me down in one of the dining rooms in the castle for breakfast. They found out about the incident that happened a few days ago and they weren't too sympathetic about it. Why would they be? Ingrid did a better job at looking after me than they ever would.

Because me and Killian didn't come back until late on my birthday, we missed the dinner we have planned. My parents were angry at me but I didn't care. I just saw my closest friend who raised me through my teenage years and the villiage I always loved spending time in.

As the castle began to prepare for the dinner, my seamstress began to fit me into a dress. It was very elegant- like always and it had a huge skirt. It was a rose colour, despite my hate for the pigment it wasn't actually that bad.

As I came downstairs it turned out that Killian and his parents were already here. I seated myself down facing Killian and smiled at him.

As the butlers brought out drinks and the starter. My parents and his parents started talking about the wedding, again. It may be in a few days but my parents were too excited.

After the wedding me and Killian are to move in together. As much as I love the sound of moving out of this castle, I'm still young.

"Emma, your getting lost in thought."

Killians whispers made me snap out of my trance and we both giggled under our breath.


"Your so easily distracted."

"I am, is that going to be a problem husband to be?"

"Not at all."

We laughed again, this time gaining the attention of our parents. We quickly stopped before laughing again when they began to talk.


"So Killian i heard your thinking of joining the navy?"

Killian glared at my father, and I glared at him. No way on this earth was he joining the navy.

"Um,yeah. Well sort of. We have a bad streak with the navy."

"I know, but if the opportunity was to arise, would you take it?"

Killian was gobsmacked. He didn't know how to answer. I gave him one long hard look and shook my head at him.

"Uh, yes. Absolutely."

He pulled a string. I got so angry I had to leave.

"I'm sorry. Excuse me for a few minutes."

I walked quickly out of the dining room and went to my room. A few seconds later, I heard knocks on the door.

"I don't wish to have company."

"Emma it's me, Killian. I'd like to talk."

I sighed. I hope he wants to talk about how much of an idiot he was.

"What do you want."

"I can't help but feel your angry at me?"

"Your right i am angry. Why? Why would you risk your life for some stupid honour?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The navy! Your setting yourself up for death!"


"Don't Emma me!"

"Listen to me, if it's something you don't want me to do then I won't do it."

"Thank you."

I hugged him and he played with my hair.

"Did we just fight like a married couple?"

"Yeah, I think we did."

We both laughed and walked back to the dining room together.

~ Killian ~

After an eventful night with Emma's family, me and my parents prepared to go back home.

"I'll see you on our wedding day I guess, Swan?"

"Yeah I guess I will."

I kissed her forehead and then got into my carriage. I let it sink in they it would be the last time I see her before we get married.

When we arrived home, I went straight to my room as I was exhausted. But I was interrupted by my father who came into my room.

"Father, please I don't want to talk."

"I know you don't, but you've no choice."

"I'm tired and I have a lot do to before I start packing and getting ready for the wedding."

"But I want to apologise."


"Apologise, for being such a bad father."

"But I never-"

"I know you never said it, but that's how I feel."

"Well, there are some things you can improve."

"If I could disagree i would. But it's true."

"Don't be worrying about it."

"Killian, if you want to join the navy you can."


"No buts, I shouldn't be so harsh on you."

"No, but I promised Emma I wouldn't join."

"You did?"

"Yes. I want to be there for her, be a good husband. And if the time comes I want to be a family and not leave her alone."

"Well, I must say that makes you a better man than the navy does. I'm proud of you son."

I had never heard those words come out of my fathers mouth. It made me second guess him. Maybe he was not that bad.

"Thank you father."


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