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~ Emma ~

I follow Killian's eyes as they wonder around the forest and freeze at my feet.

"Oh no."

"What, what is it?"


He sprints ahead of me and I stand clueless. I feel a breeze that makes my spine shudder. My feet begin to feel like icicles.


Killian starts running towards me again but is blasted back. A wall starts forming infront of me and the force shoves me to the ground and everything turns black.

When I wake up it was pretty dark, I sat up and a shooting pain hits my head.

"Emma! Emma can you hear me."

I hear Killian's faint, muffled shouts as I reach out infront of me and touch a freezing cold object.


"Emma! Emma are you alright!"

"I don't know, what happened?"

Silence. He didn't answer me. I start shivering as I lean against the cold wall infront of me.

"Killian! Killian are you there!"

Nothing again. My body starts to shake uncontrollably as I'm freezing cold. I curl up into a ball and try to give myself some body heat.

As Killian looked towards Emma's foot he saw a trace of what he feared the minute he walked out of the shack.


She had a mischievous look on her face and smirked at him as she walked closer behind Emma. That's when he told her to run. But when he ran ahead with Jules, he soon realised that Emma hadn't followed him because she was still confused with what was happening. He began to run towards her to help her but was blasted back by Elsa who then began to build a wall of ice around Emma that caused her to black out and hit the ground.

Immediately Killian started shouting her name, hoping and praying she would answer him. But she didn't. Panick struck him as Elsa walked around the wall she created and smiled at Killian.

Why Elsa was there? Well, King Brennan had wanted to find out Killian's location and spy on him as he hadn't gotten news that he had arrived at the Northern Kingdom yet. As Elsa was the King and Queens most 'trusted adviser' they sent her. Once she got word that a Royal had set foot into the rebels village, she assumed it was Killian as he had no idea where he was going. And when she walked into Mama Patsy's shack to find Killian with a common girl, she knew she had to eliminate her without the royals knowing.

So that's how she was were she is now.
Face to face with Killian who had recently found out that it was her that lied about his brother for the sake of getting a stupid job in the castle. He was speechless and had no idea how to react.

He kept calling for Emma. He just blocked Elsa out and tried to get Emma to safety. But the wall was too stong and even touching it was making him shiver.

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