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~ Killian ~
The next day

"Will she be okay?"

"Well, I've never dealt with someone that's been poisoned before. But she should be fine. She needs a few weeks rest, because the poison did reach some of her organs."

"Okay, thank you."

The doctor left and Emma's parents sat at her bedside. Her mother breathed a sigh of relief and she held her hand. Emma hadn't woken up yet since she arrived here yesterday. She must be out of energy after the whole situation.

Her parents left her room a few hours later, leaving me and her alone. I wasn't sure her father liked me. I'm trying my best to make good impressions, Snow seemed to like me. It's David that just doesn't like to talk to me or even notice me.

I spent as much time as I could with Emma. But eventually, I had to leave. Snow told me she would send a dove if she woke up. I kissed her forehead and left.

My carriage waited for me outside. As I looked inside I saw my father. I huffed as I opened the door and sat facing him.


"How is she?"

"She's fine."

"Killian, we need to talk."

"No we don't, I found out so much about myself this past week or two. As much as I want to listen to what you've got to say, I don't at the same time. I've heard it all."

"You must marry the princess."

"I love her, as a friend. We've gotten so close over time and honestly I don't want to ruin our relationship by marrying her."

"I'm sorry but you don't have an input on what happens. You have to marry her, or this kingdom will fall and crumble."

"So you'd rather have a kingdom than your own sons happiness? What kind of father are you?"


"I don't want to hear it."

I sat for the rest of the journey in silence. I was disgusted at my father. I just wished he would understand the situation like I do. I don't see myself marrying Emma, she deserves better.

-The next day-

I arrived bright and early in the Northern Kingdom and my carriage brought me up to the entrance of King David and Queen Snow's castle.

When I arrived I was greeted by Snow and David. They were sitting at Emma's bedside. She still had not woken up. I could tell her parents were getting anxious and to be honest, I was too. How was she going to react to being back at her castle? Being treated as a princess again? How was she going to react to me finding out a few days ago and now having to marry her. I cringed at the thought. I didn't want to ruin our friendship by marrying each other, but I've no choice! My family would disown me if I didn't live up to their expectations.

"Killian, How are you?"

"I'm good thank you for asking. How's Emma?"

"No sign of her waking up any time soon. We're just getting frustrated."

"I bet, have you even slept?"

"No, we want to be here when she wakes up."

"How about you two go to bed and I'll stay here with her. If she wakes I'll inform you straight away."

"Thank you Killian. We appreciate it."

"No problem your majesty's."

"You know. You would make a great King one day."

David and Snow left the room holding hands and I sat down were they had previously.

"Oh Emma, please wake up soon. Life's getting boring without hearing your voice anymore."

I rubbed her shoulder and she flinched a little. I noticed it straight away. I touched her shoulder again in hopes she felt it.


Suddenly her eyes fluttered and they slowly opened.

"Ki-Killian? What happened?"

"Oh my gosh Emma, your okay. Thank god. It's alright, your home."


"At your castle."

"Oh, how long have I been here?"

"Two days. Not that long don't worry."

"Have my parents- I mean, the King and Queen come to see me yet?"

"They've been here most of the time. They actually just left. I'll go get them-"

"No! Killian. I don't want to see them. Not yet anyways."

"Emma, you haven't spoke to them in years. They want to speak to their daughter."

"I know, I just..have to think about what in going to stay to them, how in going to react. Should I hate them or like them?"

"It shouldn't be something to worry about. Right now you need to rest. You've been through a lot these past few days."

"Okay. Thank you for being here."

"Your welcome. And your kinda growing on me Swan."

"Ha ha very funny."

She smiled and everything seemed okay again. That one smile made me feel a thousand times better. I mdon't think I've ever seen a smile so beautiful before.

Emma fell back asleep and I decided to go by her words and not tell her parents yet. I can't imagine how difficult the situation is, her parents sending her away because they didn't know how to keep her safe. She must feel let down by them, I would too if I was her. But she must also still have feelings for her fake family. The one she believed was real. That reality torn away from her, like it was nothing.


I'm so so so so so sorry! I haven't updated in ages and to be honest I don't have a reasonable explanation. I've mostly had writers block but I promise I'll try to not let it happen again!

Please remember to vote and comment! xx

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