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~ Killian ~

It's been a few days since Emma woke up. We still haven't said anything to her parents, they still believe she's unconscious from the poison. It's frustrating lying to them, but I knew it was hard for Emma.

Her parents had let me stay at the castle the last few days because I told them of the argument I had with my father and I didn't want to speak to him until I cooled down. It was handy too because when her parents had to be places, I could sneak into Emma's room and talk to her.

Unfortunately I had to go back to my castle tonight because it was my mothers birthday ball in a few days but her birthday was tomorrow. And although I have fallen out with my father, I love my mother and she shouldn't have to be lonely on her birthday just because me and my father aren't in good terms. I didn't know how I was going to break it to Emma because it meant she would be alone for the next few days.

I walked into her room and sat beside her and kissed her hand to let her know it was me.

"Emma? It's me."

"Good morning."

"Good morning love."

"Something is bothering you? What is it?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Killian? Spill."

"Okay fine, you got me. Im afraid I have to leave until next week as its my mothers birthday tomorrow. I'm so sorry my love."

"Oh Killian you don't have to apologise. Besides, I might come and visit you."

"My dear you will be much too sick to come to the ball. You still have to stay in bed for the next week."

"But the ball is next week and I already feel better."

"But your parents don't even know your awake yet. How are you going to leave when they think your still unconscious?"

"Maybe it's time I tell them?"

"You sure your ready?"

"No, but I want to go to the ball so I have no other choice."

"Your sweet."

"Can you go get them for me?"

"If your sure it's time then of course I will."

"I'm sure."

I smiled at her and kissed her head before heading towards the door to go find her parents. Eventually I found them in the castles study, they were both writing what looked like letters or invitations of some sort. I knocked on the door and started them both.

"Oh, Killian. What can we help you with."

"Actually I came here to talk about Emma."

"Emma? What! Is she okay? Did something happen."

"No she's fine! Infact she's more than fine. She's awake and asking to see you both."

A smile cracked on Snow and Davids face. They raced upstairs to their daughters room and found Emma lying down with her eyes open staring at the door. I walked behind them and saw Snow's reaction. She was speechless and so overjoyed. Emma smiled at her parents as they ran up to her beside and hugged her. She embraced them and then looked at me. I saw the pain in her eyes. The pain of how her parents just sent her away like she was nothing. But at the same time I saw how happy she was, happy that she saw them again and they care for her.

"Oh Emma, we are so glad your alright."

"Me and your mother have been worried sick."

"I'm fine."

Her parents realised that they still have to explain themselves. They both looked at eachother and just sighed.

"Emma, we know- we know we both made mistakes. But Regina was a big threat back then. She still is. Look what she did to you! She still hasn't gotten over what you did."

"Me and your mother tried to keep you safe for months, but it was too much. We were cowards. We choose our lives over yours because we were scared she would kill us too. But we should have been more concerned about you. Please my dear, forgive us?"

The room was in complete silence as Emma stared at her parents in awe of what they had said to her. She didn't know if forgiving them was right or if she was even feeling good enough to make decisions yet.

"Yes, I do forgive you. But, please. Don't restrain me. If I want to do something that isn't very princessy, don't force me."

"We promise."


~ Emma ~

"I must depart now Emma. Thank you for these past few weeks. I've found a part of me I never knew I had."

"Your very welcome you majesty. And thank you. For showing me that not all royals are rude and stubborn."

He smiles at my joke and his eyes flutter. I knew what was happening. And I was okay with it.

He leaned forward as did I and automatically our lips connected. It was slow but passionate. He placed his hand on my cheek and I ran my fingers through his jet black hair. We stopped and stared at each other.

"Well, I must get going. Goodnight love."

"Goodnight Killian."

He turned away and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I sighed as I thought about the kiss on repeat. Did it mean something? Was I falling in love with him? Was he falling for me?

I mean I know we have to get married. But that's just awkward. I just see us as friends, especially after what we've been through. Looking for a princess that turned out to be me. I pushed my feelings for him aside on that journey. But now do I have an excuse to bring them back? If I marry him will that give me the authority to love him again?


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