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Emma and Killian woke up as the morning sunlight blinded them. As Killian sat up to feed Jules, Emma went to find more firewood to make the fire for breakfast. When Emma returned, they both sat down and ate. Killian got water from the nearby well to hydrate them. The silence between them was aggravating for them both. They desperately wanted to speak to eachother, but they weren't quite sure how to start.

They began their journey again and walked deeper into the forest. As Emma glided between all the trees, Killian was struggling as he wasn't quite used to walking so fast.

Walking through the forest was a piece of cake for me. But I could tell Killian was struggling, so much so it made me laugh how much he underestimated me.

"By God your fast." He said through his rough breaths. "Nah, this is nothing." I laughed at him as he pulled a face that was in complete shock. As we walked further we took turns in guiding Jules, Killians horse. He was such a beautiful thing and I longed for a horse like him.

We stopped and sat on a log as we took a rest from our long walk so far. "So, you never actually told me why you are going to the Nothern Kingdom your majesty." I said breaking the silence once again. "Well, my father sent me off to meet my betrothed for the first time before we get married next week." He said uncertain of how I was going to react. "Serious? Your meeting the girl you are going to marry a week before the wedding?" I said laughing and nudging his shoulder. "Yeah, Royal life isn't all that it seems." He said giggling with me. "Wait, if you have never met her, how does she know that you love her? I'm assuming you know what she looks like?" I uttered to him. He turned his head and shook it. "I've never seen her face before, I don't even know her name. She's like a hidden gem." He replied to me. I was in complete shock. "That's insane! That's not love!" I shouted at him. He turned and faced me with a look in his face that would make a mime feel bad. We were silent for a good while.

As we began to walk again we started to get deeper into the forest, it got harder to walk without getting our arms and legs pricked with thorns and rubbing the against rough bushes. I kept standing on my other foot or Killians because I was trying not to trip. But as much of an effort I put in I eventually did trip over and rip my knee against a bit of wood that was on the forest floor.

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch"

"Oh my goodness, are you alright Swan?"


"Oh sorry, I usually give people nicknames. I hope you don't mind."

"No no.... I like it."

"That looks so bad, are you not in pain?"

"Yeah, but I'm usually good at hiding it."

"Come on I'll help you up onto Jules."

He lifted me off the ground and safely onto Jules. He guided us out of the deeper part of the forest and into a clearer part. He lifted me back down and onto a log so we could tend to my wound.

"I'm sorry if this hurts, but I don't want it to get infected." Killian says as he lifted my leg up to his reach and dabbed a cloth that he covered with a liquid I couldn't recognise. Once he placed the cloth onto the wound it stung like hell. "Ahh what is that?!" I screamed and he laughed a little. "Rum, and a bloody waste of it too." He giggled. "I never thought of a royal to be a rum type." I said staring at him. "Well, I'm not in the castle at the moment." He replied. I smiled at him and he wrapped a clean cloth around my leg and placed it back onto the ground.

We were silent for a few seconds before all my guilt from earlier came rushing back.

"Look Killian, I'm sorry about earlier. Its just..."

"Emma, don't worry about it. I understand."

"Thank you."


We decided to set up camp early and Emma fell asleep leaving me sitting at the fire by myself in deep thought. What she said earlier was right, it's not love to meet your wife to be a week before the wedding and not even know what her name is or what she looks like. Being hit with the realisation of Royal life was taking its toll on me, I hated every minute of it. I just wanted to be at the sea where my brother dedicated his life too, but I was forbidden. My father wants me to be the representative of our kingdom and marry a princess and do what my brother failed to do, which is fulfill my duties as the heir of the throne.

Early morning arrived and I hadn't gotten much sleep. I was awoken by the sun once again and Emma walking around fussing with the fire, trying to light it again.

"Good morning."

"Oh morning, sorry if I woke you. I just wanted to get the fire started for breakfast."

"It's fine don't worry about it. How's your leg?"

"Well, better. It's gonna take some time to heal but it's stopped bleeding for now. I think your Royal rum helped."

"Haha very funny. I'll start packing up so we are ready to go when we are done."

"Yeah that's great. We will need to go to a supply shack nearby before we go anywhere else. It's not to far from here."

"Sounds good."

I fed Jules and groomed him after I had packed our sleeping supplies together. We ate breakfast in science before taking off in our journey once again.

As we approached a small village, I could see the top turret of the northern kingdoms castle in the distance, which was about another days ride away. I had quite enjoyed myself with Emma, she was full of energy always, and senses to tell the best stories about her life or fantasy.

"Here we are, Mama Patsy's supply shack." Emma read out from the sign. "Jules should be okay out here if you just tie him to the post." She continued. I nodded as I set down our bags and tied Jules to stay. I walked back up the steps to the shack and stood beside Emma.

"Let's just hope your not recognised here."


"Well let's just say, this village are like the rebels of the kingdom. They don't abide by the rules or like a single Royal."

"Well, let's hope I'm not caught."

"Yeah, your sort of needed at the Nothern kingdom."

"True, my father would go crazy if I don't get there soon."

"Well, here goes nothing..."


Unwritten| Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now