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~ Emma ~
The next morning

"I'm going to go get us some food and you some more blankets. I'll be right back. Stay there, don't move, or you won't recover."

"Okay, okay I will."

Killian left the little nook he had found us and I was still laid on the couch beside the fire. I hadn't really warmed up that much at all and I had been shivering all night and got no sleep. We hadn't seen Elsa since her attack yesterday which I could tell made Killian uneasy. He didn't like the fact that she was wondering around us and also reporting back to his father at the same time. He could get into so much trouble being around with a commoner like me.

The nook was quite quiet once Killian left, only the sound of the flickering flames at the mantelpiece disturbed the silence. I still shivered but embracing the blankets around me helped in some sort.

I heard footsteps behind me but I was too cold and comfortable to sit up and look around. I ignored it and continued to enjoy the slight heat I was getting and closed my eyes.

But my eyes shot back open when I felt an intense and indescribable pain in my chest. I look up to find Elsa had plunged her hand into me and ripped out my heart that flashed bright red infront of me. I gasped in pain and she stared at it with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but if I don't do this, I'll loose my job that I worked all so hard for. Killian needs to get to the Nothern Kingdom before tomorrow or I'll be done for! It's all your fault he's behind. So I have to eliminate the distraction."

She lightly squeezed my heart and then squashed it full force with tears forming in my eyes, I knew this was it and I didn't even get to scream for help.

But all of a sudden the pain faded away and Elsa screamed in pain. I found Killian standing behind her and he had pushed a blade into the back of her abdomen. He twisted it and then Elsa fell to the floor lifeless.


"Shh shh Emma your okay."


"Emma your in shock just breathe."


"I know, I know but it's the only way I could save you."

"She's dead...she's dead!"


As I stared at the body that laid on the floor Killian pushed my heart back into my chest and wrapped his arms around me. I forgot I was cold and memories began to flash back into my head from years ago.


When Emma was 14 years old, she would typically hang out with her small group of village friends. Her village was typically quiet barr all the drunk commoners that would pass through or the Pirates that would have a journey through the forest behind her house after being at the tavern. She would enjoy going out with her friends, because she was going through the phase of having enough of being near her parent for too long.

This exact day I'm explaining has permanently stained Emma mind for the past three years. Some nights she couldn't sleep because of it.

One day whilst she was out with the villiagers, a tragedy struck the village itself. A dozen thugs armed with bows, arrows and swords attacked the village. Emma's best friend Lily got stabbed right infront of her. She was traumatised for months on end. The trauma never completely faded but it slowly started to get better.

Seeing Killian kill Elsa, even though she hated her and could stand her. Emma still felt all the trauma and pain from three years ago.

~ Killian ~

Trying to settle Emma back down for the night was hard. I had to dispose of Elsa's body quickly and go unnoticed. Soon after that Emma got herself calmed down and rested beside the fire and tried to continue to recover. She was still cold and the fire was helping. But after that whole ordeal she faced away from the fire so now she was facing it again hopefully it sped the recovery up.

For the second time today I tried to go get us food. Mama Odie gave me a potion that would help Emma out and some more blankets. She also didn't let me pay for all the food I had lifted for us. I thanked her and said goodbye.

As I prepared our food, Emma fell asleep. I was sort of greatful because I now had a way to slip the potion Mama Odie gave me to heal her. I was trying to hide it from her, I needed to get to the Nothern Kingdom quickly and I hated seeing her the way she was. I placed her food infront of the fire to keep it warm and her drink beside her. I knelt down, opened the vile and poured it quickly into the cup before I accidentally hit the table with my foot and woke her.

"Killian? What are you doing?"

"Oh I was just setting your food and drink down for when you woke up. Sorry."

"It's okay, I can't sleep all day anyways."

She sat up a little and shivered before taking her drink that I had put the potion in. She drank most of it before placing it on the little table infront of her. She sat up straight then I sat beside her.

"Killian, about yesterday."

"It's okay. I shouldn't have kissed you. I should have thought about you instead of me. I'm sorry.

"Don't be, it's fine. But we can't do this. Your betrothed to a princess. I'm a commoner. You deserve the best in the land.

"But you probably have more qualities than her. I bet she's a stuck up pig."


We both laughed and I saw the colour coming back to her cheeks. A smile crept up onto my face

"It worked."

"What worked?"

"When I went to Mama Odie she gave me a potion that would heal you. She said it's a 50/50 chance it would work. And it did!"

"You healed me?"

"I understand fully if your angry with me."

"I'm not, thank you. We can get you to the Northern Kingdom now with no set backs."

"Yeah of course."

I sulked as I began to realise that Emma didn't have feelings for me. She was just doing the task she was given and hoping to conclude it as fast as possible. It still didn't change the fact that I had feelings for her, and this princess didn't seem like the one for me at all.

Sorry it's been so long from when I updated! I've got a huge end of year project due in for next week in school and I'm almost half way done 😂

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