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~ Emma ~

I only began feeling a little better a few weeks after the ball. Me and Killian sat down together and tried to figure out what we both wanted. And we agreed that maybe a family is what we need and want.

Whilst Killian was getting the potion, he also got a compass which can determine if your pregnant or not. But what he didn't know was that my parents also had one that they gave to me.

Today we decided after a few weeks of trying to finally test to see if I was pregnant.

Unfortunately Killian had to do a few things during the day so we decided to meet up late afternoon and test.

I spent the hours that Killian was away nervously bitting my nails at the thought of being pregnant. Having a child is a big step, but it's one I want to take with Killian.

Finally after hours of patiently waiting, Killian arrived home with a enormous smile on his face. I gave him a huge hug and we walked upstairs quickly and lifted the compass.

"Are you ready?"


We both looked into each other's eyes as Killian placed the compass onto my hand.

"If it points North your pregnant, if it points West-"

"I'm not pregnant."



We waited a few minutes then decided it was time to look down at the compass.

"Okay, one."



We smiled then looked down.



"Love I'm so sorry."

"It's alright. There's always next time."

"Come here."

He pulled me into an embrace and I snuggled into his shoulder.

"I love you, remember that. This doesn't change anything."

"I know, I love you too."



"Yes love?"

"Could you get me a glass of water?"

"Yes of course! I'll be right back."

We had spent the last few hours in bed, just hugging and talking. I could see the devastation in Killian's eyes. But the devastation wouldn't last much longer.

Just as I heard Killian come back upstairs I hid a little something under his blanket. I lay back down just as Killian came through the bedroom door.

Unwritten| Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now