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~ Emma ~

"Regina, but...I..thought."

"You thought wrong, I never stopped seeking my revenge. Your just a gullible teenager who agreed with everything your stuck up parents told you."

"I never meant for Daniel to be killed."

"Of course you did. You were a spolied brat who didn't like the looks of anyone else getting their happy endings. You just wanted your own. Well I'll tell you what princess, you won't get it."

"Please Regina, I was 13 I didn't know any better."

"You should have, you were brought up in a castle with the perfect parents and perfect reputation. I was brought up by a fraud. So don't try and make me feel better about myself."

"Regina, everyone deserves a second chance. Just let me apologise and then we can put this all behind us."

"You think me a fool? I know how you work Emma. You say something and it means another. Don't try it with me."

"This is me trying to help you out! This is me apologising. I never meant for Daniel to get killed and im sorry you lost the love of your life. There's not much I can do or say to help the matter! He's gone Regina, he's gone forever. So just lose your feelings and maybe find someone new."

"Ha that's what runs in your blood. You all never think about the consequences. You know I'm going to ask you something."


"Have you ever been in love."


"I said, Have. You. Ever. Been. In.  Love."

"No, I have not been in love."

Regina smiled at me and signalled me to follow her again. She brought me over to a table and poured me a drink. I couldn't tell what it was, but I was trying to trust her and redeem myself so hopefully it was just apple juice.

"Here. Something to drink."

"What is it?"

"That's for me to know and no one else to find out."

I stared at her long and hard before drinking up and then walking back into the ballroom.

"You see Emma, I don't do forgiveness. It's much easier to seek revenge."

I turn to face her and her hand slapped my face which caused me to fall.

"I cannot believe you would think I would forgive you ha! I'm not silly Emma, you and your family are all the same. And now I can eliminate one."

She kicked my stomach which caused me to cry out in pain. She then walked away and I tried to catch my breath. My cheek hurt and now so did my abdomen.

But seeing me in pain didn't stop Regina. I don't remember her ever having magic but she must have learned because she blasted me back and made me hit my head off the ballroom floor making a new scab ooze blood.

Unwritten| Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now