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~ Killian ~
Two days later

After a few days of staying in the nook, me and Emma finally left and re-started our journey to the Northern Kingdom which was apparently no more than a day away. My stomach felt empty at the thought of having to leave Emma and probably never see her again.

"Emma can I ask you a favour."


"Well, you see. I'm not really ready to go to the Northern Kingdom. Could we do a quick detour?"

"Are you sure you want to do that? Won't your father be furious?"

"I don't care what my father thinks. I'm being forced into marriage by him, the least he could do is let me spend some time as a free man before the day arrives."

"Well then. A detour we shall do."

She sniggers before turning down another path towards a huge field of flowers. In the distance we see some people tending to all the crops and flowers and we walk up slowly incase I get recognised.

But as we got closer, the more familiar the farmers were. Infact so familiar I recognised them before they recognised me.

"Robin? Arthur?"


I ran towards them and hugged them both.

"We never thought we'd see you again."

"I thought the same!"

"What's a prince doing in the farmers fields then?"

"Oh umm, important Royal stuff."

"And who is that young lass?"

Robin nodded towards were Emma stood with Jules and I smiled to myself. I couldn't figure out a way to introduce her. So I was just going to wing it.

"Ahh this is Emma. She is...an old friend."

"Old friend? I don't remember you being close to any girls when we were friends."

"She is one of the castle's maid's daughters. And she is very kind. I'd like you to meet her."

"Aye we will. But at least let us catch up before we do. It's been a very long time my friend."

"Indeed it has."
Robin, Arthur and Killian have been very close friends since the age of 9. On Killian's 9th birthday, he was allowed to venture out into the castles village by the side of his brother Liam. During his time he met Robin (aged 10) , Arthur (aged 9) and another boy named Daniel (aged 13, Liam's friend). He brought these three boys back to his home to meet his parents and surprisingly they felt very welcomed by the King and Queen.

Every week until Killian was 13 they would meet just outside the castle doors and hang out for a good few hours. Until the night of the robbery

The same night the robbery happened, Robin, Arthur and Daniel were all staying in the palace. A group of thieves that lived in the castle's village planned to rob the castle and they were around the same age as the boys. So when the robbery occurred and the royals found out. They accused Killian's three best friends of the robbery and banished them and their families from the kingdom.

Unwritten| Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now