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~ Killian ~

"How you holding up?"

"I'm tired, I just want it I be over."

Emma had been labouring for almost 12 hours and we were both growing tired and impatient.

"It will all be over soon and we will have our baby too."

"I don't know Killian, what if Regina wins?"

"That's not the Emma I know. Stop loosing faith, we will keep this baby. Just you focus on yourself and the little one right now."

Emma gave a slight nod as another contraction hit. I held her hand tightly and I let her squeeze it as hard as she wanted. But it wasn't enough to rid the pain.

"Okay Emma, your ready to push."

All of a sudden Emma began to freak out. I hugged her tightly to calm her down. The main reason she did panic was because now she had to push, it was getting closer to the possibility that Regina was going to steal our child.


"Come on Emma, two more pushes and you'll have your little one in your arms."

Tired and exhausted, Emma tried pushing. She had done so well so far and at this point she had just about had enough.

"Emma, love you can do this. I believe in you."

A few pants later and more motivational talks, Emma gave her all into what would be her final push.

"Well done, that's so good! It's a boy Emma."

Emma and myself smiled as we were finally told the gender of our baby. A little prince.

"Its a boy! We have a son Emma!"

I hugged her from the side as gently as I could before the doctor handed over our newborn. Emma with a huge sigh of a relief leaned back into the bed as she had been sitting upright for a large amount of hours.

Our parents came back into the room and both of our mothers began to cry.

"Oh Emma, I'm so happy for you. For both of you."

"He's so precious."

We let all our parents hold him before getting him back in our arms.

"Well we will let you guys get some rest and spend some time together."

After getting cleaned up and when our parents finally left the room, Emma and I got to spend time with our new son.

"He's ours."

"That he is, I'm so proud of you Emma."

"I can't imagine loosing him to Regina."


"I know I know."

I got into the bed beside her and she handed me my son. He started to fuss but once he got comfortable he fell asleep again.


~ Emma ~

It had been a few hours, and Regina hadn't showed up. No signs of her trying to come into our castle had even speculated. I honestly expected her to show.

"How about you try and get some sleep Emma? Your exhausted I bet."

"I can't sleep knowing Regina will be here soon."

"Emma right now isn't the time to get worried. You won't be able to do anything if your exhausted and you just had a baby! The least you could do is sleep."

"Okay, but promise me you will wake me if Regina comes."

"I promise, now sleep."

I kissed both Killian and my new son before closing my heavy eyes and falling asleep.

I didn't get much sleep, but enough so that when I woke up I felt a lot better.

I opened my eyes to Killian standing at the window with our son in his arms. I smiled and pushed myself upright.

"Hello love, how was your sleep?"

"Better than nothing. How is he?"

"He's good. Hardly cried a peep."

"That's good."

Killian came back over to the bed and sat beside me. I stormed my sons head and Killian smiled.

"Aww look! It's happy family time!"

Without us noticing, Regina had poofed into our room and sat down near the fireplace. The minute Killian saw Regina he stood up and pulled out his sword.

"Get out!"

"Now now! Don't get upset. You knew not to get too attached to the child."

"Your not getting our son!"

"Killian don't make a fool of yourself. What are you going to do? Kill me with that sword? Haha your worthless."

"You underestimate me."

"And you underestimate me! Your a pathetic excuse for a father. Not being able to protect your own son!"

Within seconds our son poofed out of Killian's hands and into Regina's. With all his might Killian drew his sword again and aimed at Regina but she made him freeze on the spot.

"Please, please don't do this."

I tried without hurting myself to stand up but I was too weak. I used every ounce of energy within me to walk to the end of the bed.

"Awww you too! Give up princess! Your son...is now mine."

And she left in a cloud of magic. I dropped to the floor and Killian unfroze.

"No, no!!!!!"

I curled up and cried as I began to felt empty. She took my son and I can't do anything. Killian grew angry and ran out of the room before coming back in and kneeling beside me.

"I'm getting our boy back. Don't worry love, she won't win."


Before I even got to call him back, he was gone. I was left alone on the bedroom floor, getting sharp pains every so often. No one understood the emotions I was going through. I waited so long for this day to arrive, to hold my newborn and name them. But that dream was crushed as I hadn't even thought of an appropriate name for my son before Regina even arrived. I could see the future I had with my family slip away as time grew onwards.


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