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~ Emma ~

"What am I going to do...what am I going to do?!"

I paced around the outside gates of the Queen's palace and stared at Jules who to be honest just looked like he wanted something to eat.

"Oh god, I'm talking to a horse. Well that's the first signs of going crazy."

I laughed to myself but then tried to focus back onto the problem of Killian being inside the queen's palace. I walked around in circles before giving up and sitting on Jules.


I turned around to find a woman with black hair and a huge black dress on. She smiled and signalled me to get off the horse. I very cautiously got off Jules and tied him to a tree.

"Follow me."

She began to walk through the palace gates and although I wanted to get Killian out of there, I didn't really want to follow her. But I did just so I could find Killian and get back on our journey.

We walked through what felt like dozens of hallways before walking up a very large staircase. She guided me into what looked like a ballroom.

She walked into the middle of the room and turned around to face me. I stood awkwardly infront of her as she reached into her pocket. Suddenly she snapped a black cuff looking thing onto my arm.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"Oh Emma, you've yet to learn."

"Who are you? Where's Killian?"

"You know who I am Emma."

"No, I don't. That's why I'm actually asking you."

"Queen Regina. The overall ruler of the entire realm."

"Why do you want Killian?"

"It's not me that wanted Killian my dear. Unfortunately it was the King and Queen of the Northern Kingdom. They summoned him and asked if anyone saw him to deliver him straight to them. So when one of my black nights spotted him in a nearby village, I had no choice but to send them out to fetch him."

"Where is he now?"

"In the Nothern Kingdom. I transported him there, it's much faster than walking or riding."

"So why do you want me."

"For revenge."

"Revenge? I...I don't even know you why would you want revenge?"

"Wow, your parents really pulled a number on you."

"My parents?"

"You don't know?"

"No unfortunately I don't."

"Your a princess Emma."

My heart skipped a beat and shrivelled up in my chest.

Unwritten| Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now