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~ Emma ~

"He's gone, I didn't even get to name him and he's gone."

"Oh sweetheart."

My mother and Killian's mother had came to my side when they saw Killian running out of the castle, after Regina. They helped me up off the floor and onto the bed again.

"I lost him."

"Don't you worry my dear. Killian, your father and the whole kingdoms guards and knights are after Regina. You will get your son back."

"He's gone."

My mother frowned, she could tell how broken I was. All the planning and the waiting, Choosing to have a baby was one of those decisions that was a huge jump for me. And now after nine months of preparation it was all gone.

After silence everyone left me alone in the room. I pulled the blankets over my head and curled up into a ball. Not only had I lost my baby, but Killian had also left which made me feel the worst I could possibly ever feel.

~ Killian ~

I had taken a horse and immediately galloped into the forest, towards Regina's castle. As much as I didn't want to leave Emma, who is probably heartbroken and is deeply distressed, Regina had taken our son and there was no way I was going to let her get away with it.

Mine and Emma's father had decided to send out their men with me so I had extra help, but being as stubborn as I am I told the knights to separate and look in different directions.

Halfway through my gallop, I felt my horse slow down. I didn't take Jude this time and it was a mistake as the horse I had taken wasn't fully trained. I jumped off its back and let it have a little break, even though I was still eager to get to Regina's castle.

"Having a little trouble there dearie?"

I jumped and spun around to find a little man who seemed rather odd. His clothing was all leather and his skin looked rather - odd.

"Who are you?"

"My my where are my manners? Rrrumplestiltskin at your service."

As he rolled the R at the beginning, I recognised the name in the books I used to read when I was younger.

"I've heard of you."

"Always nice to make an impression your majesty."

"How do you know I'm a prince?"

"Well isn't it obvious? The royal emblem on your horses back, the royal attire. Besides the whole kingdom knows their royal family."

"What do you want?"

"I heard your son was taken, by Regina. And I've come to help."

"And why would you help me?"

"Because I know her strengths and I know her weaknesses. As I was the one who taught her all the spells, I was the one who trained her."

Unwritten| Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now