Authors Note

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Hey guys! So this is a fanfic that I started around a year ago. It was meant to be a short story but that sort of changed when I got carried away with it (now 70+ pages. Like I said, I got carried away.) I'm a huge Loki fan so expect a lot of Loki feels. It's basically about Loki's life and how it unravels when he discovers love and the truth about his past. Oh and Thor and Loki DO NOT hate each other in this. I love the pair too much. I haven't written it around any certain time point in Thor or The Avengers so I'll let you decide when this story was set. I do not own any of the Marvel characters but I do own Laila (who is my OC) and other, less important characters such as a few maids that are mentioned. I really hope you enjoy this story. Please, please, PLEASE let me know what you think and whether I should change anything. Any constructive criticism is welcome because I honestly want to know what you guys think of this. I value your opinions because they help me improve my writing!

Also want to give credit to @YerinYoo who was the person to create the amazing image that I have used for my cover. See the original image here: and her art gallery here:
Sorry @YerinYoo for not asking. I cannot apologise enough. Xxx

Okay well I think that's all.

Read, Vote, Comment, Hate! :)

- Z xx

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