Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 people! Yay! Not got much to say tonight so enjoy! Ooh except to apologise for the whole chapter thing. Turns out that chapter 8, 9 and 10 decided to make themselves separate stories -.-. Anyhoo, it's sorted now. Enjoy!

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

The dining room was full of life. Servants weaved themselves around the guests offering drinks of wine and beer, Guards patrolled around the room to keep things in check and the guests were chatting and laughing while they waited for Loki to enter. Thor waited anxiously at the corner of the hall. As soon as he saw Laila enter the hall he hurried to her side.

“How is he? Is he well enough to come to the feast?” He asked anxiously. Laila nodded and grinned

"Thor he’s fine. Up to his old tricks and mischief just like before. He’s looking forward to seeing you all again.” Thor grinned with relief

“Excellent” he said before strutting over to one of the servants and grabbing a pint of beer. Laila meanwhile walked over to where Odin was standing. After she managed to get Odin’s attention she let him know of Loki

“My lord, i have come to inform you that Loki is fine and that he will be coming to the feast tonight.” Odin smiled

“Thank you Laila. I shall inform the guests” he said and walked over to the end of the room so everyone could see him. Silence fell over the room as everyone waited for Odin’s word. Odin addressed his people

“My people. Please, sit.” Odin fell quiet while he waited for the scraping of chairs to cease. Finally he was able continue “I know that this night i going to be a special one to remember. Loki is my youngest and i could not bear the thought of losing him just yet, even if he has turned my hair silver as a result of his mischief.” The guests laughed heartily. Suddenly a guard came up to Odin and whispered a message in his ear. Odin listened to the message and smile broadly. Once the guard had returned to his spot Odin cleared his voice and announced to the people “My friends, it gives me great pleasure in announcing his return. Please give a warm welcome to my youngest son, Loki!” The crowd applauded vigorously as they fought to get a glimpse of Loki as he entered the hall. Loki grinned with pleasure and warmth as he glanced around the hall. He saw his brother and the fellow warriors. He saw his father and his mother and finally he noticed Laila stood up in the seat next to his. The crowd continued to cheer and clap as Loki made his way to his seat near the top of the table. Eventually the noise died away and Odin got up to speak again “I think i can say on behalf of everyone here and everyone in Asgard, that we are glad to have you back Loki. You have been greatly missed.” There was a small round of applause and a few “here here’s” before silence fell once again. Loki gave another huge grin at the people around the table. Odin looked at his younger son “Loki would you like to say a few words?” He asked. Loki smiled and nodded before standing up and addressing his father and then the guests

“Yes, thank you Father. Well I can definitely say that I wasn’t expecting so many of you to attend my returning. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here. It really shows how many people care, and it means an awful lot.” A small applause erupted from the guests before Loki could continue “I have to say however, that I would not be here if it wasn’t for the love and support that I’ve had from Thor, Mother and Father and the Princess of the east, Laila.” Loki looked at Laila and smiled warmly. Laila returned the smile. Loki continued “In fact after my awakening I decided that life is too short to not let others know of your feelings and that is why I declared my love for Laila last night and we became a couple.” Loki said at last. A much louder applause burst from the guests. Odin and Frigga exchanged smiles of pride. Loki glanced at Thor and laughed when Thor gave him a wink in return. Finally Loki was able to speak again “and there’s something else which I have to say. Now, Laila doesn’t know about this so I suspect she may want to attack me...again once I have finished speaking, but after she left  I realised that I love Laila more than anything and I want to be with her for the rest of my life.” Loki looked down at Laila and linked his hand into hers. “That is why I have a very important thing to do before this night is over, and there is no other, no better time than now.” Laila stared at Loki with slight worry and confusion. Loki took Laila’s hand and helped her up so she was standing in front of him. The crowd went silent as they waited to see what Loki would do next. Loki looked behind him towards Lola who was standing against the wall. He signalled for her to come over to where they were standing. Laila peered at Lola as she produced a small leather box from her apron pocket and handed it to Loki. Then she moved her gaze back to Loki as he began to speak to her “Laila i know i haven’t known you for a long time but i love you with all my heart. Ever since you entered this palace i knew that i had to meet you and I’m glad i did. Without you, i don’t think i would be here today. I love your smile, your charisma and your charm and that is why i have a question to ask you.” Laila nodded for him to carry on. Loki smiled and got down on one knee. The crowd began to murmur in excitement. A few of the warriors shouted a few mocking gestures and the crowd laughed in response, including Loki. Laila realised what was about to happen and covered her mouth in shock. Loki opened the box and produced a small ring encrusted with small diamonds and an emerald in the centre. “Laila, will you do the honour of marrying me?” Laila began to choke on tears of joy as she stared at the ring in front of her. Eventually she managed small nod

“Yes, yes of course i will.” Loki smiled with relief and placed the ring on her finger. It was a perfect fit. The guests cheered the loudest they had all night as Odin signalled for some music to be played. Loki stood up and hugged Laila tightly before kissing her passionately. Laila returned the kiss before they were hauled to the ball room to dance.   




After a few hours on the dance floor, Loki managed to escape and take a breather. Laila saw him sitting by the table at the edge of the room and attempted to get over to him. After a few minutes and a few conversations with some of the guests, she finally reached him. As she walked over to him, he noticed her and smiled broadly. He stood up and spoke to her, his voice slightly slurred

“Hey beautiful.” He said lovingly. Laila smiled and kissed his lips quickly before replying

“Hey.” She blew the hair off her face and then looked at Loki with an exasperated expression “I’m absolutely worn out. I’ll tell you something; your brother can certainly dance and for a very long time.” Loki laughed

“Yeah, sorry about that. I should have warned you.” He took Laila’s hand in his “Come on I want to show you something.” He said mysteriously. Laila threw him a confused look

“Where are we going” she asked. Loki shook his head in secrecy

“Just follow me okay?” Laila nodded. She trusted Loki with her life. Loki smiled and as quickly as they could, they both made their escape from the hall and ran down the corridor to Loki’s chambers. Once they had entered the chambers Loki began hunting at the back of his cupboard for something. Laila waited for him to find whatever it was. After a few moments a cry of success came from the back of the cupboard. Laila watched as Loki produced a small dog eared book from behind his rack of robes. She looked at the book, still clueless

“What is it Loki?” she asked. Loki opened the book and began to leaf through the pages at a rapid speed as well as answer Laila’s question

“This is a book of spells and magic Laila. I sometimes study it in my spare time. It’s definitely come in handy during battles.” Loki stopped when he had reached a page with star constellations and galaxies on it. He continued to explain, as he put the book on his bed “I thought I could show you just what I can do. If you want to.” Laila nodded enthusiastically

“Yeah, sure that would be great .” She said. Loki nodded and sat on his bed with his legs crossed. Laila sat next to him and waited to see what he would do next. Loki focussed on the page in the book. As time went on, Loki let the world around him disappear until it was only him and the page in front of him remaining. Nothing else existed. All he could look at was the book. Soon enough the page began to come to life around him. Loki smiled and relaxed, there was no need to concentrate now. He glanced over at Laila and laughed at her expression. Laila was speechless with amazement. She caught Loki looking at her and laughed, still with her mouth gaping open. She spoke with disbelief “Loki this is amazing! It’s beautiful! I...just... I can’t believe it.” She stopped and stared at the ceiling again which had become a remarkable resemblance of the galaxy that surrounded them. Loki lay down on the bed with an arm under his head. Laila followed his action and put her head on his chest. Loki glanced down at Laila before pointing out the stars and galaxies, explaining to Laila about each one in turn. After a while Laila looked up at Loki while he was explaining the Milky Way. Loki looked at Laila and stopped

“Is there something wrong? Am I confusing you?” he said with slight amusement in his voice. Laila chuckled

“No, its fine. You may want to slow down on the galaxy lessons though. If you talk any faster, your words will just merge together." She chuckled. Loki smirked and kissed Laila on the nose before Laila turned her head back to the ceiling. Loki returned his attention to the universe above him and was about to carry on when he decided against it. Instead he lay in silence staring at the stars.                                 

Opinions. Need...them. Can't...go...on.    

Hope you enjoy the next chapter when it is posted. There's a bit more action in it ;)

- Z xx

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