Chapter 6

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The next day Laila woke up feeling groggy. She felt like she should remember something. Looking around the room she noticed the bracelet Loki had given her after training. Memories of the night before came flooding back and the tears threatened to take over once again. She picked up the bracelet and stroked it fondly. The small green and yellow charms shone in the early morning sunlight. Laila got out of bed and placed the bracelet on her wrist. Deciding that nothing would come from moping around her chambers all day, she decided to go and visit Loki in his chambers. She dressed in a lace gown and came out of her chambers. As usual the palace was bustling with life. Laila made her way through the bustle of servants and maids and found the corridor which led to Loki’s chambers. It wasn’t as busy down here which made it seem eerily quiet. As Laila reached the doors that were joined to Loki’s chambers she noticed Odin coming out of them. Laila quickened her pace. Odin noticed Laila approaching and saw the hope in her eyes.

“How is he?” She asked with anticipation in her voice. Odin returned her question with a distressed expression. Laila bowed her head, already guessing that it wouldn’t be good news. Odin spoke with a slight wobble in his voice

“I’m about to go and tell the people. Why don’t you come with me and hear for yourself?” Laila nodded and followed Odin to the main assembly room. As Odin continued to the front of the room, Laila placed herself at the back. Odin stood before the crowd of people. Everyone was there; the servants, the maids, the warriors, the guards, Thor and Figg. Everyone wanted to hear the news on Loki. Odin glanced up at the people of the palace and cleared his throat before speaking “My people, I’m afraid that the news you desperately want to hear regarding Loki’s health is not going to be spoken today.” There was a slight mumble across the hall before silence fell once again. Laila’s heart sank. Odin continued “In fact, I regret to say that Loki is getting worse.” Odin glanced to where Thor and Laila were stood “The medical consultant informed me that Loki collapsed last night due to his bloodstream being contaminated by particles of metal. Metal that is used to create our weaponry. Loki collapsed last night because that was the point of which the metal had reached his heart.”  Odin took a deep breath, as he was not looking forward to what he had to say next “After hearing this, I summoned some of the best sorcerers of the nine realms to help clean the blood and save Loki. I was notified that a special, ancient medicine was made and enchantments were used. I’m afraid all I can offer you is that Loki hasn’t died. However, time can only tell. The sorcerers also informed me that Loki may not survive, because his blood may be already too contaminated. If this is the case then he has a matter of hours. The chances are slim and we can only pray for Loki’s survival.” Odin finished and the hall stood in silence and shock. Even Thor was stuck for words. Laila felt her heart would break. She couldn’t stay in the hall any longer. With tears pouring down her face and blinding her vision, she ran out the room.      


Laila ran straight to Loki’s chambers. The guards, who were guarding the door, stopped her in her tracks.

“I’m sorry but you can’t go in there.” One of the guards said in a husky voice. Laila looked at them in despair

“Look, you have to let me in. Please! Loki means the world to me and I just want to see him. I need to see him. I can’t just let him die! He means too much to me.” The guards stared at Laila before looking at each other. Then, slowly, one of them opened the doors and allowed her to pass. Laila slid in through the doors and stared into the dimly lit room. She glanced at the bed in which Loki lay and rushed to his side. She looked at Loki. His face was whiter than white and had lost a lot of weight. His jaw line and eye sockets protruded from his face and his lips were a pale blue. Laila couldn’t stop the tears from falling as she took one of his bony hands in hers. He was cold and soon, he would grow colder. Laila rested her chin on her hand that held Loki’s and let a tear fall onto it. Then she wiped her eyes roughly and tried to resist the urge to collapse into tears. She decided that she was not going to cry during Loki’s last moments. Even if he couldn’t look at her, she didn’t want him to die with a blubbering woman by his side. She would be strong for him. Laila stared at Loki’s face and began to speak with a hushed tone “This is my entire fault. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’d never hurt you. Oh god I wish that none of this had happened. Loki I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. If you... if you die, I will never forgive myself.” Laila whispered to him, shaking slightly from the lack of deep breaths. Laila glanced back up at Loki’s expression. It was emotionless, plain; lifeless. All of a sudden a huge wave of emotion hit Laila like a ton of bricks. Loud and choking sobs began to escape the princess’ lips, her shoulders were shaking due to the force of the sobs. Cupping Loki’s hand in her own, she hugged it to her chest, wishing that he would squeeze her hand in reassurance. Minutes passed and Laila felt that she could look back at Loki without collapsing into tears. She pleaded with him “Please come back. Please Loki. You don’t know how much you mean to your parents, to Thor, to everyone in Asgard.” Laila paused “You don’t know how much you mean to me.” She spoke even quieter than before. She heard a noise coming from the entrance of the chambers and turned her head. Figg stood at the entrance and looked at Loki before looking back at Laila. Without speaking a word she grabbed a chair and sat opposite Laila and stared at her younger son. Laila felt very rude when she realised that she had not spoken since the queen had entered “My Queen, I’m awfully sorry that you are going to lose your son. I cannot think of a greater sadness. I know it is not come at the right moment.” Frigga looked up and looked Laila in the eye

“There is never a right time to lose someone. Death is never prepared for, or welcomed.” She paused and then carried on “Loki was a good man; a good prince. He was kind-hearted and always treated others well. No matter whom they were or what they had done. No one was ever cruel in his eyes.” Frigga gazed back at her son “That’s the worst part of death. It never seems to understand that some people do not deserve to die. It always takes the wrong people.” Frigga reached down and kissed Loki’s hand before getting up to leave. She walked around the bed and placed a light hand on Laila’s shoulder. Laila looked up to her Queen

“My queen if you would like me to leave so you can spend more time with your son then please, just say.” Frigga shook her head

"No, it’s fine. I think its best that he stays with you. He needs to be with someone when he goes and I know he’d rather have you than me.” Laila bowed respectively and Frigga gave her a sad smile before exiting the room. Laila returned her attention back to Loki. He looked so vulnerable and young.

“Please don’t leave me Loki. Fight it. Just fight it. Just try please. Try for me. I know you can do it.” Laila spoke softly. Laila felt the tears returning and did not try and hold them back. She continued to speak “I was going to tell you later when you had calmed down a bit, but I wanted to apologise for our row earlier. I feel like it was my fault. I didn’t realise how upset you were and the thing is I wasn’t sure how to tell you, but I think you should know.” She took a deep breath “The reason I said no to Thor today is because I’m not in love with him. I’m in love with another man; a man who’s charming and clever and is just wonderful in every single way.” Laila stroked Loki’s face “That man is you Loki. I’m in love with you. I need you to know. It’s been so hard to hide my feelings but I don’t care now. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Loki. I want to be able to see your face every day. I want to hear your voice and see your smile and most of all I want you to understand that I will love you forever and always.” Laila finished and sat looking at Loki’s face. At least he would know that someone loved him before he went. She adjusted her position in the chair and felt her eyes droop with fatigue. The day’s events were taking their toll and eventually Laila could not fend off the sleep any longer. “I love you Loki. So much.” Laila placed a kiss on his forehead before letting sleep take over her.


Loki heard someone entering his chambers. The shape shuffled silently towards his bed and began speaking to him. He could make out the familiar sound of Laila’s voice filling his ears. He felt his heart relax at hearing her. But she sounded sad, desperate. He could just make out certain phrases.

“Fight it.”, “Try for me”. Laila seemed to be pleading. Loki felt his heart pang.

I’m trying Laila. I’m trying my love. Loki tried to speak out to her. To get her to understand but it did not seem to be working. The sound of weeping came from his side. Laila was crying for him.

It wasn’t your fault. None of it was your fault. It was me. I didn’t understand. I didn’t give you time to explain. Don’t cry Laila. Please. Please don’t cry darling. It breaks my heart. Loki desperately tried to communicate with her. He wanted to soothe and comfort her and hold her close to him. She had begun to speak again. She said something about Thor before she spoke the four words he never thought he’d hear.

"I love you Loki.” Laila whispered quietly.

I love you too Laila. I’m so sorry for what I did. Forgive me. Loki replied. He felt Laila shift her body before she placed a feather-like kiss on his forehead. He smiled to himself. She was so gentle and so caring. Small noises indicated to Loki that she had moved back to the chair. It wasn’t long before he heard her soft breaths; a sign that she had fallen to sleep.

I love you Laila. I will fight it. I will live, for you.

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