Chapter 5

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Loki went through the feast with a heavy heart and his mother, Frigga noticed. She had never seen Loki this quiet and subdued. Usually he was joking with the rest of the warriors. As she watched him throughout the meal she noticed that his eyes didn’t show the usual jump and excitement they always had and his face had turned a grey colour. Meanwhile Laila, who sat a few places down and on the other side of the table, also noticed how ill Loki looked. All she wanted to do was help and he was pushing her away. After a mere thought, she stood up and walked to where Loki was sat. Voices in her head screamed for her to stop; telling her it was a bad idea, but she simply pushed them away. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder. As if he had just been electrocuted, Loki jumped in his seat and spun around to see who had startled him. His droopy eyes eventually focussed their gaze on Laila’s nervous face and sadness instantly filled them. With a strained tone Loki acknowledged her.

“What do you want Laila?” Laila didn’t know how to respond. There was so much she wanted to say but she was unable to find the words. Eventually Loki sighed, excused himself from the table, got up from his seat unsteadily and weaved himself around Laila and walked out of the room. Laila stayed where she was, letting tears collect in her eyes before returning to her seat. Frigga observed the scene and was puzzled when she saw Loki excuse himself from the feast as soon as the meal was over. Normally they would wait until the chef’s bought in the royal wine and they would drink long into the night. And what was going on between him and Laila? From what Odin had told her, they were getting along so well. Frigga couldn’t keep the curiosity from getting the better of her. With a hasty apology to Odin, she went after Loki. Laila, who was also concerned about Loki’s behaviour during the feast, watched her go. Maybe she would be able to get some answers as to why Loki was behaving strangely. Laila sat in silence as she dwelled on her thoughts.     


Frigga followed her younger son up the corridor a few paces behind so as not to startle him.  As she followed him up the corridor she noticed that he was walking in a rather strange way. He seemed to drag his feet behind him like it was an effort and every step made his whole body tense up. It was very odd. She decided to make herself known; to see if she could get some answers.

“Loki, are you alright?” she asked with concern in her voice. Loki, who had just realised her presence, turned his head to face her. Frigga gasped in shock. Loki’s face, if it was possible, was paler than before and his eyes seemed distant. Sweat beaded his face as he tried to make out who had spoken his name. Eventually he answered with a wobble in his voice

“Mother? What are you doing out here?” he asked in confusion. Frigga frowned at her son in concern

“I came to see if you were alright. You’ve not been yourself Loki. Your looks don’t do you much justice either. Are you okay?” Loki stared at his mother with a steel gaze

“I’m fine.” He said slowly. Frigga wasn’t convinced. Before Loki could turn back around she was by his side.

“Loki this isn’t you. I know it isn’t. I only wish you’d tell me what’s bothering you. What was going on between you and Laila earlier?” Frigga persisted. Loki sighed and the sound of Laila’s name. He had never meant to shout at her so harshly. He needed to apologise, for everything. He needed to find her.

“Laila. Where is she?” He rasped urgently. Frigga frowned.

“She’s at the feast. Loki are you sure you’re okay? You sound terrible” Frigga could no longer mask the worry that was in her voice. Loki’s felt his head spin as he tried to find something to lean on. Frigga grabbed his arm so she could hold him up and support him. Eventually he responded.

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