Chapter 27

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Hello! So this is chapter 27. It was originally going to be really short but I added a bit more to it so its longer. Oh and I'm suffering with a serious case of writers block so everyone '1 vote = 1 prayer for this girl who is so brave.' -___- Hahaha nah obviously I'm kidding but I'm serious about the writers block. It's a real pain in the ass. Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter!

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx



Back at the entrance of the Bifrost, Loki gave Laila to Thor carefully.

“I cannot take her back knowing what I did.” He said. Thor’s shoulders slumped in sympathy towards his brother.

“Loki everything will be fine. Trust me. Heimdall wouldn’t have let you come back if he didn’t see you as you once were; a kind, thoughtful man. Not a murderer; not a monster. ” Thor pointed out. Loki considered this. Heimdall broke his train of thought.

“It is true Master Loki. I admit that I had my doubts when Odin brought you to Asgard after the battle but I see my doubts were for nothing. You are nothing like your biological father Loki. Your heart is as pure as the gold that makes this realm.” He reassured. Loki contemplated the compliments of the gatekeeper. Thor saw that Loki still had doubts.

“She’ll need you Loki. She won’t be able to survive without you. Plus she’ll kick the hell out of my ass if she finds that I let you go.” He reminded. Loki sighed slightly before he spoke again

“Okay I will come with you. I’ll take her. You just concentrate on getting us to the medical ward safely.” He instructed. Thor nodded before gently holding on to his brother’s arm and pointing Mjölnir to the skies. Wind swirled around their feet as they were picked up off the ground and flown to the palace where everybody would be waiting.



Odin paced frantically around the great hall. He couldn’t stay still. Furrowed lines of concern and worry traced his aged face. Frigga watched him anxiously. It was not good for him to be like this. Stress only used up his power which brought the Odin sleep closer. She tried to comfort him

“Darling, relax please! It is not good for you to be like this.” She persisted. Odin didn’t even hesitate. In fact, his pacing quickened.

“Heimdall told me that they had gone for him. That was three days ago. God, why couldn’t they have both stayed here!?” Odin yelled in the vast hall. Frigga tried to reason with him

“We both know that they were going to try and do something sooner or later. It didn’t matter to them who Loki was. He was something special to them both. He is still Laila’s betrothed and he’s still Thor’s brother. It was only a matter of time before they tried to get him back.” She reasoned. Odin huffed with annoyance

“Do you realise that if Thor dies on that wretched planet, there will be no heir to the throne?! How will Asgard cope without a king?! His actions were selfish. He could put the whole of Asgard under the threat of war. Stupid boy.” Odin cursed. Frigga gasped.

“Odin! How can you say that the rescue of your second son is selfish?! Loki deserves to be here just as much as Thor does.  If it was I who had been kidnapped on that night I’m sure you wouldn’t have even hesitated to come and get me. It’s the same for Thor and Loki. Thor cares about Loki more than you could ever know. You can’t turn your back on Loki because you will lose him. And if you lose Loki, you’ll lose Thor too.” She tried to make Odin understand; to make him see. Odin softened

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