Chapter 20

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HELLOO! It's me! I said I wouldn't be able to post a chapter and now I am!


Haha nah I'm allowed my memo stick back so I can keep updating when I have the time. So this is chapter 20! It's fairly short but that's because if I joined it with the other part of the story then it would be very long. Verry long. Anyway my lovelies, let me know what you think and I'll post chapter 21 very soon!

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

Laila was not cold when she reached Jotunheim. Adrenaline pushed her forward, as well as determination to get to Loki. It had been too long and she needed him back. Thor was right by her side, also determined to get his brother back, whatever the costs. The pair reached the palace of the frost giants. Laila stepped forward to enter when Thor put a hand on her chest to stop her. Laila frowned in confusion

“Thor? What are you doing?” she whispered hastily. Thor walked in front and signalled for her to keep quiet before answering her question

“Just wait, don’t you notice anything odd?” he questioned. Laila quickly looked around before shaking her head at Thor

“No I don’t. Why what’s wrong?” she questioned. Thor listened for a second and then replied

“Laila, this is the entrance to the palace of Jotunheim right? So we should assume that it should be heavily guarded.” He began. Laila frowned and nodded

“Okay, so what?” she asked, still confused. Thor secretly rolled his eyes

“If this place is meant to be heavily guarded then why is it that there is not a frost giant in sight? It is unusual for the frost giants to just disappear Laila. We have to keep our guard at all times. We can’t just waltz in and expect them to hand Loki over. No, something’s wrong. Keep an eye out.” He spoke with anticipation in his voice. Laila nodded in understanding and followed Thor into the palace. It was eerily quiet, almost ghostlike. Laila reached into her armour and produced her ball and chain to make herself feel safer. They continued to move further and further into the palace. There seemed to be no sign of life anywhere. The eerie silence whipped around the pair as they continued to move through the castle. A small scuttling rang out. Laila whipped her head round to see what it was but saw nothing. She continued to walk forward, putting the noise out of her mind and instead thinking about Loki. It would be amazing to see him again. She couldn’t wait to be wrapped in those comforting arms and kiss those beautiful lips. Glancing across from her she saw Thor keeping a firm stare ahead and playing with the hammer in his hands. She knew he wanted to use it, but there was nothing to use it on. She decided to make some conversation

“Are you sure the frost giants haven’t gone on a field trip or something?” she joked feebly. Thor smiled tightly

“I’m not convinced Laila. They don’t seem to be the type of creature that would think of fun as going to the local zoo.” He replied, smiling to himself. Laila laughed quietly. Suddenly Thor winced in pain and fell to his knees. Laila spun round and looked at Thor in shock

“Thor?” she said uncertainly. Thor looked at her quickly

“Laila...look out” he gasped. Laila looked up from where Thor sat and stared at the frost giant that had caused the wound. Anger coursed through her veins as she swung her ball and chain into the giant’s chest, knocking it off its feet. Thor stood up shakily and pulled out the shard of ice in his side before chucking it aside. Laila rushed to his side to support him

“Thor. Are you okay? Is it bad?” she asked in concern. Thor shook his head defiantly

“I’m fine, just a cut, nothing more.” He spoke bravely. Laila heard the hollering voices of the upcoming frost giants and began to panic

“Thor what are we going to do. We’re heavily outnumbered. We can’t beat them.” She said in a rushed whisper. Thor listened to the pounding of heavy feet before turning to Laila

“Laila I need you to listen to me okay? The frost giants are not after you, they’re after me. They don’t know who you are and therefore you are not their target. Now what I want you to do is to go through that small crevice between those two rocks over there and keep running in the direction of the castle.  Once you get to the castle find somewhere to hide and wait for me. I’ll be with you as soon as I can.” He spoke hastily. Laila shook her head

“But what about you? How are you supposed to cope all by yourself?” she said growing even more panicky. Thor rolled his eyes at her and held up his hammer

“Laila, I’m the god of thunder. I’ll improvise. Now go!” he said. Laila nodded and sprinted off in the direction of the crevice.



And finish! So what did you guys think? Opinions please! Big thanks to @hiddlesgirl9988 and @Emily9988 for their amazing comments. You guys never fail in making me smile.

Much love to all of you.

- Z xx

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