Chapter 29

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My friends! It has been too long since I updated last. Well actually it's been about four days but NO MATTER. This is chapter 29! I hope you enjoy. Oh and whilst you're here, may I ask a favour? I recently published a new book called Ramblings Of A Hiddlestoner (Or ROAH) (Hence the late update) and I would be SO grateful if you would check it out. It's a series of short stories about Tom or one of his characters. I'm also putting in any ideas/stories that you guys have, as fellow Hiddlestoners and want to share. I've already got my first idea sent to me which I am currently in the process of writing but I would love some more. I really want this book to be popular and full of everyone's short stories so help me get this ball rolling!

Well I think that's all.

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

It had been almost an hour since Frigga had started looking for Loki. He wasn’t in his usual hiding places. She had looked everywhere for him and was just on her way back to Odin when she noticed that the door to Loki’s chambers were slightly ajar. Frigga mentally kicked herself for not thinking of checking there earlier and quietly moved towards the door. She was about to knock when she heard something that made her stop. From the other side of the door she could hear a small distant whimpering. Frigga could not believe it. She had never heard Loki cry before. He was always the one to comfort people. Frigga crept into the room as silently as she could and glanced around the darkened room. There were no candles lit as the servants were not expected to light them unless Loki returned. Eventually Frigga’s eyes adjusted to the darkness and she caught sight of her son curled in the corner of the room with his head in his hands. Figg stood there shocked. She had never seen her younger son look so vulnerable. It was heart-breaking . Swiftly she made her way to where Loki was crouched and gently placed a hand on his shoulder

“Loki.” She spoke softly. Loki didn’t respond, his head remaining in his hands. His figure hunched up as much as possible; small trembles vibrating over his body. Frigga spoke again “Loki please, look at me.” She asked gently. Loki stopped whimpering and slowly lifted his head until his eyes met Frigga’s gaze. She smiled warmly and rubbed his arm. Loki sniffed quietly.

“I’ve ruined everything.” Loki despaired. “The All Father will never forgive me now; not after what I did. And Laila? Well I think you can guess what happened there.” Loki said, in a mixture of laughter and tears at the impossible situation he was in. Frigga replied instantly

“You were being used, that’s what happened. Odin knows that you didn’t mean the words you said. He could tell it wasn’t you. Laufey was using you to try and get back at your father for what he did all those years ago. That’s why Odin didn’t tell you on that night you were taken. If Laufey had found out then, that you were his son, he would have used the link you have, against Laila. Odin was only trying to protect you both. He’s forgiven you Loki. He’s not angry at you.” She soothed. Loki’s eyes began to stream with tears once again

“I just want someone to care Frigga. I just want everything to be okay again.” He sobbed, rubbing his eyes roughly. Frigga turned her body and embraced Loki in her arms, offering her warmth and reassurance.

“It will be Loki. Everything will be okay. You do have people that care about you. And please, I’m still your mother. I don’t want you to treat me any different than before okay?” she persisted. She felt Loki give a small nod and smiled slightly. The next few minutes passed in silence; the only noise that could be heard were the soft cries of Loki as he finally let go of everything he had been keeping up inside.  Suddenly a commotion at the entrance of Loki’s door caused them both to look up and break apart. Thor knocked gently on the door

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