Chapter 16

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Hey guys! Really sorry I haven't updated! I caught a really bad bug and have been bed ridden for the last 48 hours. So I will try and post two chapters for you lovely people, to make up for it. Hope you like it! As usual, don't forget to comment and vote!

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

Loki picked up the piece of glass and drew another mark on the wall of his cell; signalling that he had been at Jotunheim for four months. Once he had made the mark he leant his back against the wall and let out a huge sigh. It wouldn't be long now. Soon they would arrive at his cell and repeat the same ritual they had carried out since day one. Loki bowed his head between his legs and tried not to think about what awaited him. Looking down he caught his reflection in one of the many puddles that littered the cell. He noted that his jaw had become ever more protruding and his skin had faded into a darker shade of blue since their last visit. Suddenly, the dreaded sound of thundering footsteps came from down the damp corridor of the prison. Loki lifted his head slowly, deliberately, as the frost giants reached his cell. He looked at the faces of the monsters that stood before him. He saw the hate and revenge in their eyes as they picked at the rotting lock that held him in his cell. He had no idea what he had done to deserve this hate but the frost giants seem to thrive from it. Beating him day in and day out until he was begging for mercy. Loki focussed his attention back to the frost giants who had now entered his cell. His breaths became shorter as he watched one of them walk up to him and grab at his clothing. Loki braced himself as the frost giant lifted him up and threw him across the cell. As he hit the hard cobbled floor, Loki felt one of his ribs crack resulting in an agonising pain cursing through his upper body. He was paralysed; a sitting target for the frost giant. All he could do was watch as the second frost giant approached his mangled body and hauled him up. Even though the pain was unbearable, Loki kept his mouth shut; knowing from previous experience that if he showed any sign of weakness, the beating would just worsen. Hoisted up so he was on his knees, Loki caught sight of the familiar blue liquid in the frost giant's hand. The frost giant noticed Loki staring at the liquid and laughed quietly to himself

"This is my favourite part." He said with a menacing grin. Loki looked from the liquid to the frost giant

"Why do you do this? What have I ever done to you?" He asked. The frost giant's smile faded. It crouched down to Loki's level and whispered into his ear

"Your kind killed my family. You all think you're so special and wonderful and that everything should bow down to you. Meanwhile we're treated like scum and dirt. We're the underdogs of the universe. Well not anymore. Now you're going to see just how fun it is to be one of us." He finished. Then the frost giant stood back up and hit Loki hard in the head. Loki cried out in pain. In that second the frost giant grabbed Loki's head and forced the blue liquid down his throat. Loki felt the familiar burning sensation run through his body as the frost giants left his cell. He panted as the liquid began to spread itself through his system. With a short breath, he managed to speak to the frost giant as they were leaving

"I'm sorry; about your family. Really, I am. I can only imagine the pain you've been through as a result of your loss. I just hope that one day, even if I'm dead, you'll find the courage to forgive me. To forgive them." He croaked. The frost giant stopped for a second and spoke with slight sadness in his voice

"This changes nothing. I'll never forgive your kind. Never." Then the frost giant closed the door to the prison, leaving Loki in the dark. Loki felt the liquid reach his heart. A bloodcurdling scream escaped Loki's lips as he, once again, collapsed to the floor. All he could do would be to wait for it to be over. There was no way to stop it and there was no way to ease the unbearable spasms that flowed through the body. Hours passed and eventually Loki was able to breathe with less tension. The spasms had ceased and his rib was just a numb throbbing. Loki crawled into the corner of the cell where the floor was raised slightly and therefore it was the driest part of the cell. Curling up into a ball, he closed his eyes and spoke to Laila with what little magic he had left inside of him.

'Laila. There's not a lot of time. They're turning me into a monster. My magic is diminishing. I won't be able to speak to you again. Just know that whatever happens, I love you with all my heart. Forever and always. Goodbye my love. Remember me.' Loki repeated these words inside his head until emotions took over his body. As he spoke the message one last time he felt his throat become tight with a new flow of tears and a sense of fear fill his head; a sense he was not used to. Another scream broke out from Loki's throat before he cried himself to sleep, unsure of the future that was awaiting him.

Okay so I was almost crying whilst writing this but it had to be done. As we all know, Loki's life wasn't all fairy-tales and happiness and that's what I want to show in this story. Note to any of my new followers/readers, please drop a comment! Love hearing what you people think! :D

Alrighty then please read, comment, vote and hate.

- Z xx

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