Chapter 35

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Here's chapter 35 for you guys. I know it's been a while but I've had major writers block -.- so yes. Here's a particularly large chapter to make up for it. As I've said in my status and comment to all you guys, this book is almost done. I suspect 2 chapters until the end of this book. What I am curious to know is if you guys think a sequel is a good idea. I have already planned the ending for this one and a possible epilogue but I just want to know if you guys would be remotely interested in reading a sequel. Let me know anyhow.

Thanks for reading!

Read, enjoy, comment and vote!

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx 

Red eyes examined the room, desperate for blood and revenge. It searched for just one; an imposter; with the looks of a prince and the mind of a frost giant. It observed the decor of the room. It was too warm for its liking. Eyes still searched the room, falling on two figures near the edge. A snarl grew upon its face. He had found what he came for. Loki snarled at the frost giant, producing the daggers from his robes as a warning. The frost giant laughed.

“You’re not dressed warmly enough, Jotun.” It mocked. Loki’s expression suggested amusement for a second or two.

“Really? And you are? Well, I shall be sure to dress as a witless oaf next time I try and pass as an Asgardian.” Loki retaliated. The frost giant growled, taking a stance. Laila cowered behind Loki. Without her armour and weapon, she was as vulnerable as a village girl. She looked to Loki who met her gaze and nodded, understanding what she wanted. He handed over his daggers quickly, providing Laila with some chance of protection. Laila took them gratefully, knowing Loki’s alternative weapon was not he would have chosen. Loki allowed himself to turn into his Jotun form once again which provided him with ability to produce an ice weapon from his arm; one much sharper than the giant’s in front of him. He smirked as the giant faltered for a second. “Here’s a tip for you for the next time you decide to keep a fresh Jotun in your dungeons.” Loki began. He took a run at the giant; the giant mimicked his actions. The deed was done quickly and efficiently. Laila threw the daggers towards the giant’s weapon, smashing it into dozens of ice shards before throwing one for Loki to catch. Loki caught it expertly. The giant cried out in pain but continued to run. Its moment of weakness provided Loki with a perfect opportunity. Reaching the giant, Loki aimed his dagger at the giants head, watching as it the tip speared the skin and bone. Within the same second his ice sword followed, spearing the giant’s chest and coming out the other side. A roar escaped the giant as it fell to its knees. Loki withdrew his arm and bent down the giant’s level, whispering in his ear. “Don’t.” He hissed. Loki turned to face Laila who stood a distance away. Loki’s chest was heaving, his eyes flashing dangerously. He held out his hand for Laila to take. “Time to go.” He said rather abruptly. Laila was shaking.

“Loki...Loki change back...please just... change back. You look like you’re about to murder me. You’re scaring me.” Laila begged. Loki casted his glance over to the window, his reflection glaring back at him; sweat beaded his forehead and the veins in his head protruded slightly from his skin from his anger. He looked back at Laila, stepping towards her and taking her arms gingerly, a warm, familiar smile appearing on his face. Laila relaxed slightly as he embraced her, her body warm against his. A familiar sensation ran through Loki’s system as his familiar attire returned; his poisonous eyes and icy skin vanishing into the corner of his mind once more. They broke from their hug and Loki gave Laila a reassuring kiss to the forehead.

“I’m sorry love. I’m so sorry. I would never hurt you.” He whispered to her. The pair made eye contact and Laila nodded to show she understood. Loki offered out his hand again and this time Laila took it. They stepped over the body of the frost giant quickly and approached the doorway to Loki’s chambers, peering out. Guards ran everywhere, dressed in their golden armour and equipped with their spears and arrows. A war was upon Asgard.

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