Chapter 17

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Hey it's me again! So, like I said, I'm going to post another chapter (maybe two because it's exciting) to make up for not updating earlier and for the fact that the last chapter was so short. I have to admit that this chapter is a little weird. If you don't understand it then just let me know and I'll try and explain it XD. Anyhoo, enjoy reading!

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

The maid held up the different shades of table cloths in front of Laila's face

"So which one shall it be princess? Beige or cream?" she asked with slight irritation. Laila snapped back to reality

"Hmm. Oh well aren't they both the same?" she replied with a vague tone. The maid sighed and slacked her arms down by her arms in defeat. Thor put his hand on the shoulder of the maid

"I think the cream will look grand. Use the cream one." He said. The maid bowed

"Yes Master Thor." She replied before scurrying off to inform the rest of the servants of the colour choice for the ceremony. Laila began to walk towards the grand doors at the end of the room when Thor caught up with her, his eyes full of concern

"Laila are you alright? You don't seem to be with us." He asked. Laila avoided eye contact with the Asgardian prince

"I'm surprised you still care, after how I treated you and the All Father the other night, I'm surprised that I've not been locked away or exiled." She spoke honestly. Thor put his hand on her shoulder and turned her body towards his. His voice was full of warmth and sympathy for the princess

"We all know you were upset Laila, which is why Father decided to let it pass. I know that with Loki gone, you feel like something's missing. Believe me when I say that the whole palace feels like that. We all miss Loki. He was something special to us all." As he spoke, Laila noticed the brotherly love that Thor had for his younger brother. Guilt began to replace the anger that she had felt previously towards him.

"You really miss him don't you?" she asked, already knowing the answer. Thor nodded

"Everyday princess. Every day." He replied sadly. Laila nodded at this response before bravely facing up to her actions

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry I ever doubted you love for Loki. He's your brother. I was out of order to say that you didn't love as much as I did. It was selfish of me. I-" Thor placed his index finger on her lips to shut her up before reassuring her

"Laila. I've already told you; you're forgiven. Please, let us speak of it no more." He said. Laila smiled with relief

"Deal." She said gladly. As they stood there laughing at the petty dispute Laila began hearing a whisper fly around the room.

'Laila' it seemed to say. Laila stopped laughing and frowned in confusion

"Did you hear that?" she asked Thor. Thor smiled in amusement

"Oh so now you're hearing things?" he asked playfully. Laila flapped her hand towards him to signal him to be quiet

"No seriously, did you hear that? That voice?" she asked, growing more frantic by the moment. Thor shook his head

"Laila. No one is speaking. Just me and you." He said, growing uneasy; but Laila didn't hear him. Words began to scream in her head.

'Not much time. Monster. I love you. Forever and always. Last time. Goodbye. Remember.' The world around her became a blur as the words in her head became clearer. Over and over again she saw them. But what did they mean? Then Laila began to see images. There was a castle, a puddle, a crumbling prison cell. Some frost giants laughing and finally Loki. But he looked different. Something was wrong. Loki began to scream. Laila shook her head.

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