Chapter 34

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Hey guys! So I realised when writing this chapter that BITB is almost finished! Which is weird because I've never finished any of my major stories. Ever. I'll do this at the end of the story but I just wanted to thank you all massively and from the bottom of my heart for supporting this story and giving your amazing feedback.

But we're not finished yet so lets forget about that for now!


Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

Dusk was almost upon Asgard. It had been a week since the wedding and everything had gone smoothly. Loki stood by the balcony that adjoined to his chambers. It gave him a perfect view of the Bifrost and the Asgardian villages. The colours of red, orange and yellow lit up the evening, burning the sky and reflecting off the golden palace. Loki sighed. He wanted to enjoy that view. He wanted to cherish it and admire it. But he was distracted. A worrying frown replaced his calm facade, the recurring pain in his head returning once more. Loki closed his eyes and tried to will it away with his magic like many times before but the pain was firm, and stubborn. Anger began to build up inside him; frustration and bitterness working its way up his stomach and throat. His vision was clouded, the colours of the sky no longer beautiful and mesmerising but dark and threatening, scarring the palace with the colour of blood and pain. A scream was reaching his lips, clawing its way up. Loki clenched his fists, pounding them on the smooth rock of the balcony. This had happened many times before, ever since Loki had left Jotunheim. At first the pain was nothing, a mere nuisance at the back of his mind. But as the weeks went on, the pain increased in strength. Loki literally couldn’t get it out of his head. It was eating him up from the inside. It was driving him insane...

A gentle hand fell on Loki’s shoulder breaking him from his thoughts, distracting the pain.

“Loki?” A familiar voice spoke. Loki swung around to see the owner of the hand, his vision clearing up again as he faced his wife. His expression softened once more, the pain and anger subsiding but never forgotten. Laila smiled warmly. Loki responded by kissing her lightly on the lips.

“Hello love.” He spoke softly. He tried to conceal the pain with a smile. Laila raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at him.

“What’s the matter?” She asked, puzzled. Loki shook his head.

“Nothing. I am fine.” He replied, smiling warmly. Laila folded her arms, her eyes filling with concern.

“Nice try. What’s wrong Loki? What’s bothering you?” She pressed. Loki sighed. She knew him too well. He shook his head.

“Nothing you need to worry about Laila.” Loki said abruptly, turning back to the view. Laila sighed,

“Loki you can tell me. Maybe I can help.” Laila paused, a niggling worry returning in her mind. She voiced her worry. “Y...You’ve not been the same since the night that we er...well...made love and I was just wondering if...if it was me. Did I disappoint you? Was I not good enough?” Laila asked worriedly. Loki turned to her, his green eyes fatigued yet slightly amused. He placed a hand on each of her shoulders.

“What? Don’t be silly Laila. Don’t do that to yourself. That night was one of the best nights of my life. It was perfect. You were perfect. It wasn’t that night.” Loki sighed, running a hand through his hair “I fear that something is coming.” Loki said quietly. Laila frowned in confusion, resting a hand on his cheek.

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