Chapter 8

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Laila disappeared out of Loki’s chambers and went in search of his family. She thought of whom to go to first. Her mind instantly thought of the All Father and the Queen. Surely she should tell them first? Then she thought about Thor, and how upset he was when he saw his brother the night he collapsed. Laila made her decision and headed for the training arena. Once she reached the round ring where the training was being held, she began searching for Thor in the midst of warriors. After some thorough searching she found him just starting a battle against another warrior. Laila ran down the steps until she was in the arena itself. Keeping her eye on Thor she began weaving herself through the other warriors until she reached him and his competitor. Thor and his competitor were just getting into the heat of the duel. Although Thor was the bigger challenger, his opponent had the speed and agility. Laila thought about waiting until they had finished their battle but judging by the odds on both of them, she guessed it was going to be a long time. Shouting over the clang of metal, Laila tried to get Thor’s attention

"Thor! I was wondering if I could speak to you for a minute?!” Although Thor did not release his concentration from his opponent, he had caught what Laila had said

“I can’t right now princess. I’m a little...busy!” Thor said his last sentence with force as his opponent clashed weapon with his own. Laila sighed in exasperation

“You don’t understand! I need to speak to you now! It’s about Loki!” Laila shouted in reply. Thor forced his opponent off him and looked at Laila with pain and grief in his eyes from being reminded of his younger brother. Thor’s opponent, seeing how important the conversation was, did not try and attack Thor. He did not want to be responsible for injuring the future king. Lowering his weapon, he signalled a sign of surrender and bowed to the prince. Thor returned the bow and put away his weapon. Then he followed Laila out of the arena into a more desolate spot. Thor glanced at Laila while he began taking off his armour,

“What is it about Loki that you wish to speak to me about princess? I see nothing to talk about now that he’s passed on. Well, except funeral arrangements.” Laila could see that Thor was trying to hide how upset he was by making jokes. She couldn’t wait to tell him. Just as she was about to tell the great news she stopped and decided against it.

“Follow me. I need to show you.” She said mysteriously. Thor frowned

“Shall I assume that I shall not be returning to training princess? You’re not going to send me on a goose chase are you?” Thor said with amusing concern. Laila chuckled

“No, I promise I won’t send you on a goose chase. You might want to put down your weapon though. You won’t need it. Just trust me okay? Before I show you though, we need to fetch your mother and father.” Thor gave Laila an even more confused expression before following her back up the steps into the palace.


They reached the assembly rooms in which the All Father and the Queen were seated, discussing future plans to extend the smaller Asgardian villages. Laila knocked politely on the door and waited for the invitation to enter before stepping into the room. Odin and Frigga were quite puzzled as to why the princess had decided to interrupt a council meeting. Laila, realising how rude she was being, began to explain

“My King and Queen. I have come with news of your son.” Odin sighed and spoke with a very expectant voice

“What has Thor done now?” Laila paused for a second in confusion before realising her mistake

“Sorry my King, I realise I have not been clear enough. My news is not of Thor, but of Loki.” she explained again. Frigga, who had been writing notes down from the meeting, stopped and looked up at Laila.

“What do you mean child?” she asked in sad curiosity. Laila took a deep breath and brought Thor in from behind the door. He walked in slightly before turning to Laila with the same expression as his mother and father. Laila released her breath and told them the news. Laila looked at each one of them in turn

“All Father, my Queen, Thor. I have come to tell you that Loki is not dead. He is still very much alive.” she announced. Silence filled the room as the royal family tried to take in what had been said. After what seemed like an eternity, Odin finally spoke

“Laila what are you talking about? I heard from the medical consultant just last night. There was nothing we could do for Loki. How can he still be alive?” Odin waited in anticipation for Laila’s response. Laila replied almost immediately

“The medical consultant was wrong my lord. I know this because I was there when Loki awakened. Last night I was saying my goodbye’s and some other... things and then this morning when I realised that he would already be dead and began to cry, he woke up and spoke to me. At first I didn’t believe it either but soon I realised. Loki has returned and I know he is anxious to see you all again. I am asking you on Loki’s behalf to come and visit him.” Now it was Laila’s turn to wait anxiously for a response. After a quick thought Frigga stood up

“Council dismissed.” She said simply. The council quickly departed from the room and Frigga walked up to Laila. Thor watched his mother’s actions before he also walked up to Laila. The group looked towards Odin. Odin sighed

“I sure hope you’re right Laila.” Before getting out his chair and following Laila to Loki’s chambers.

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