Chapter 33

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Um..hello guys. I've not been updating again. I'm ashamed by this. I'm really sorry. I had a bit of a writer break down the other night and almost deleted this story entirely because I couldn't think of how to carry it on. But it's all good now! I have a general plan of the ending although it is subject to change. To focus on this chapter a bit more, its kind of a rollercoaster of emotions so let me know what you think. Comments, as usual, are appreciated.


Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter and let me know of your opinions.

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

Upon reaching the gardens, Loki led Laila to a great willow tree situated next to a river . Laila examine the scenery around her as Loki edged closer towards to the water. The trees were blossoming with radiantly coloured flowers, each smelling sweet and fresh. The water shone bright and clear in the Asgardian sunlight. Loki called her name softly. Laila turned back to face him and gasped when she saw him stepping into the water.

“Loki what are you doing?” She asked curiously. Loki held out his hand.

“Join me.” He replied, not answering her question. Laila hesitated. Loki sensed her hesitation and smiled warmly. “I promise it won’t ruin your dress. You don’t have to go in deep. Just to your ankles. Look.” Loki prompted, showing how deep he was in the water. It barely came up to his ankles. Laila thought for a second before taking off her shoes, taking Loki’s hand and stepping into the water. It was warm and comforting against her aching feet. Laila faced Loki, a look of puzzlement on her face.

“Loki what are we doing here?” she asked quizzically. Loki smiled almost sadly.

“Laila do you love me?” he asked quietly, averting his gaze. Laila frowned and brought his face back to face her.

“Loki of course I do. I wouldn’t have gone through with this if I didn’t. I love you more than I loved anyone.” She reassured. Loki nodded but the sadness in his eyes did not leave. Laila rested a hand on Loki’s cheek. “Loki are you o-”

“Laila I lied to you.” Loki interrupted abruptly. Laila stared at him. He looked so guilty.

“What do you mean?” She asked in confusion. Loki sighed and took Laila’s hands in his, his eyes focussing on their intertwined fingers.

“I’ve not been entirely truthful to you Laila. These waters; they’re called the Waters of Vera meaning the Waters of Truths. Whoever stands in these waters will tell the truth when prompted, whether they want to or not.” He explained. Laila squeezed his hands gently.

“Is that why we’re here Loki? Because you have something to tell me?” She asked softly. Loki nodded.

“Yes. Two things actually. The first is about the night of my screaming; I told you it was a simple nightmare.” Loki began. He took a shaky breath, glad to finally be getting it off his chest and telling someone. Surprising tears sprang to his eyes. He closed them.

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