Chapter 12

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It's chapter 12! Yay! Not a big chapter but I'll make up for that in chapter 13 which is A LOT bigger. And has more Loki feels. I'm afraid updates will be a lot slower now though because I've started 6th form and the workload is going to pile up. I will try to update at weekends and possibly in the week. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter and I will also try and get chapter 13 up as well!

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

A couple of hours later, Loki was still laying there staring at the ceiling even though the stars and galaxies had long gone. He glanced down at Laila and saw that her eyes were closed, a look of content evident in her features. She was sleeping. Loki smiled in affection at his fiancé. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. Loki could not believe that he had managed to win the heart of the most beautiful woman in the palace. A sudden knock at the door jolted Loki from his thoughts. The noise cut through the air like a knife. He jumped at the sound before shouting a croaky “Enter.” As he watched he saw Lola enter his room with fear written on her face. Loki stared at the girl in confusion

"What is it?” he asked, instantly on guard. Lola left the door entrance and Loki heard distant screams and cries coming from another part of the palace. The girl began to speak with a wobble to her voice

“M...Master Loki. Um... There has been an intrusion in the palace.” She stammered. Loki began to get up. Laila stirred and her eyes fluttered open. Loki stood behind the bed

“Who is it? Who has invaded?” he asked with concern. Lola stammered and stuttered something before Loki noticed something was wrong. Looking at her, he could see her face turn a pale blue colour and blood began to seep through her apron. Laila gasped in shock and horror as Lola fell to the floor. Loki glanced up from where she lay and instantly knew the answer to his question. Laila’s eyes filled with fear as she scrambled up. Loki locked eye contact with the frost giant as it walked towards them. He could feel the chill radiating off the giant’s skin and hatred flashed through his eyes. Arms as thick as tree trunks hung by it's sides, one of which had been transformed into a deadly weapon of some sort and was dripping with the blood of the girl. A deadly smirk spread on it's face as it looked from the body on the floor to the couple standing in front of it. The frost giant took no time in trying to attack them both. Loki stood poised as the frost giant ran towards them, his huge footsteps making the floor shake beneath them. Loki waited until the last second, when the frost giant was going about to attack, before ducking underneath its arm and stabbing it in the back with some small, sharp icicles. The frost giant collapsed from the injury and Laila went up behind the monster and pushed it out of the small window. After the frost giant was out of the window, she shut it tightly and lent against them for good measure, panting. She glanced at Loki, who was examining Lola. She watched as Loki spoke softly to Lola, who was gasping for air. Loki took the girls hands into his own. Lola slowly turned her head towards him; her body was shuddering and writhing from the blood loss. She spoke slowly; each word a struggle

“I’m s...sorry m...Master Loki. I...should’ve...c...come...sooner.” she forced. Loki shook his head before squeezing her hand in reassurance

“You were brilliant. Really brave. I couldn’t have asked anymore from you.” He spoke soothingly. The girl smiled for a second before her eyes widened, a tear fell down her cheek

“I’m scared... m...Master Loki. What’s to me?” she asked timidly. Loki smiled sadly

"You’re going to be absolutely fine. Trust me. You just need to relax okay?” he said. The girl nodded, her last breaths escaping from her lips. She forced one last word to Loki

“T...thank you.” She whispered. Loki squeezed her hand again

“No, thank you.” He said. The girl did not smile, nor did she reply. Loki bowed his head as a sign of respect and sadness for the girl, before gently pulling her eyelids down so that she looked as if she was sleeping. Laila walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder

“Who was she?” she asked sympathetically, knowing full well that everyone in the Asgardian palace, whether it was the royal family or the servants, were treated as family. Loki stood back up and grabbed a thin sheet of his bed before gently laying it over the girl, not caring if it was ‘the finest linen in Asgard’. He took his time to answer Laila’s question

“Her name was Lola. She was the new servant girl who was in charge of looking after me when I was ill. She helped me to survive. She was also the girl who gave me the ring at the ceremony.” He shot a glance at the girl’s body before speaking again “she was only 14.” He said simply. Laila looked down at the girl that had saved her lovers life, before bending down and kissing her lightly on the head. Standing back up she fitted herself into Loki’s arms. Loki held onto her tightly, sighing quietly whilst. As they parted Laila just caught Loki’s arm. Loki winced in pain and jumped back a little at the shock of the sting. Laila frowned and lifted up Loki’s sleeve gently, so as not to hurt him. As she pushed the sleeve back she saw that Loki’s skin colour blended until it was exactly the same colour as the frost giants. Then, as quickly as it had appeared, it faded away. Laila looked up at Loki, who had the same expression as she did.

“Loki what is this? What happened?” she asked with worry creeping in her voice. Loki glimpsed at his arm before answering

"I...I don’t know.” Laila let his sleeve drop back down.  Loki shook his head, as if to shake the image of his arm from his mind “It doesn’t matter now. I need to go and see if the others are okay. If the frost giants could get in here they could get in anywhere.” He was about to leave when Laila grabbed his arm and made him stop. He turned back and looked at Laila “What’s wrong?” he asked. Laila glimpsed into Loki’s eyes before dropping her gaze

“Loki. I... Please be careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt. I don’t want to lose you; you’re too important to me.” Loki relaxed his shoulders and walked back over to Laila. He put his finger under her chin and lifted her head up so she was looking at him.

"Laila, I love you. I love you too much for anything to get between us okay? Please don’t worry. You won’t lose me. I promise.” Loki moved closer and kissed her passionately. Laila returned the kiss before hugging him tightly.

“Okay, but I’m coming with you.” She said, determined. Loki nodded, knowing there was no point in arguing with her. Together they left Loki’s chambers and made their way to the armoury to grab their weapons. Laila quickly changed into her warrior gear before following Loki to the courtyard where all the commotion was happening.

So do we like? Or do we not like? Please let me know! Read, Comment, Vote and Hate! Love to hear your thoughts! :D - Z xx

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