Chapter 21

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I can't believe that I'm at Chapter 21 already! Wow. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with this story all the way through. Means the world. I know I say that A LOT but I mean it. I've always doubted myself in my writing but you guys have shown me that I'm actually okay. Okay getting all emotional.

Tom Hiddleston T_T.

Okay, I'm fine now.

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx



Loki raised his head as the creaking of the wooden doors filled the silent room and a figure stepped inside. Blinding light scorched Loki’s vision as he pulled his knees up to his chest to shield from the icy wind that whipped around his feet. The shadowy figure walked up to him before stopping and staring down. Loki glanced up into the glowing red eyes of his father, the hatred still as apparent as before. Laufey looked down on his son and smiled wickedly before he began to pace up and down in front of Loki.

“You’ll never guess what.” He said finally. Deadly silence filled the room as Loki did not reply. Laufey turned to his son “Well come on! Guess then!” he said, playing with Loki. Loki rolled his eyes. He knew Laufey’s games. Eventually he threw out a guess to keep Laufey happy, sort of.

“Please tell me that your frost giants have finally realised that their king is no more than a coward playing in the dressing up box.” He said mordantly. Laufey scowled in annoyance for a second before quickly regaining his malicious smile and replying

“You know Loki, fighting against me forever is not going to work. You’ll break before I do.” He said pretending to show sympathy for the boy. Loki stared back at his father, his anger immediately growing. He hissed behind gritted teeth

“You wanna bet? I’ll never stop fighting you Laufey. I’ve got something to fight for.” He said. Laufey laughed out loud

“If you mean your precious princess then I wouldn’t hold your breath. See, I’ve just heard news that your Laila is heading straight towards the castle.” Laufey chuckled “I see she isn’t such a bright spark after all.” He said bitterly. Loki widened his eyes behind Laufey’s back. Laila was heading into a trap and there was no way he could prevent it. Immediately he began to fight against the chains that held him to the ground. Laufey swung round and sniggered, having already predicted that Loki would try and fight to escape the cuffs “Not such weak pieces of metal now, are they?” He said mockingly. Loki stopped struggling against the chains and glared at Laufey, his breaths reduced to pants and his eyes raging with a mixture of hate and anguish.

“What are you going to do to her?” he asked regretfully. Laufey smiled with satisfaction, realising that the prince’s struggle had ended

“Let’s just say that i don’t plan on chatting for long.” He said simply before deliberately catching his sharpened sword in the light. Loki saw the flash of the metal; dread instantly filling his entire body. He glanced at Laufey’s face and saw the smile of the wicked beast that he was. Loki’s felt his eyes fill with a few tears

“Laufey please. You know what Laila means to me. If you have any kindness in your heart you wouldn’t do this.” He said desperately. Laufey laughed and bent down to the prince’s level

"Kind? Ha! Don’t make me laugh. You’ve made it pretty clear how you think of us Loki, so don’t pretend that you want to make peace with me. Tell you what” Laufey said watching the hope build in Loki’s eyes “I’ll make it quick.” Laufey looked at the prince’s face fall as the hope left him. Loki’s eyes became dark once again

“And what fun would that be for the frost giant king?” Disgust spat out with the princes words. Laufey smiled

“Oh believe me, it’ll be quick. You have my word.” He said, standing back up. Loki looked up

“I won’t let you do this Laufey. I will stop you.” he said. Laufey smiled menacingly

“Ah my son, your courage never ceases to amaze me. Besides you should be thankful.” He said looking into Loki’s eyes, a snarl spreading across his lips. Loki sneered

"Why on Asgard would I be thankful to you?” he spat. Laufey laughed

“Because, my dear son, I’ve managed to get you front row seats meaning that you won’t miss a single moment of it.” His smiled disappeared as he spoke his last sentence, anticipating the blow that it would be to the prince. There was no time to wait for it. Laufey quickly called in for the guards to come and hold Loki. As soon as they had hold of him Laufey returned his attention back to his son, who was now screaming and seething with anger “You can’t fight us Loki. We are too powerful and you are too weak. Now I say that we make sure Laila can see the real you before we have our little chat, don’t you? That is what your relationship’s about isn’t it? Honesty? Well it’s not exactly honest for you to hide who you truly are under all that Asgardian clothing.” Laufey spoke soothingly; a feeble attempt in pretending that he cared. Loki laughed under his breath

“You’re wrong! I am stronger than all of you as long as I have her spirit within me. I’m not playing your game Laufey.” He said. Laufey ignored his son and turned his attention to the guards

“Take off the robes. Leave only his chest showing.” He ordered. The frost giants obeyed and began ripping the material off Loki’s body, before throwing it aside. Loki glanced sadly at the torn robes on the cobbled floor that meant so much to him. Soon enough the frost giants had finished their order and waited expectantly for their king to give them the next command. Laufey smiled with satisfaction once again.

“Well you’re as blue as a frost giant could be. You look good as a frost giant. It suits you.” He scorned, knowing the prince had no choice in the matter. Loki scowled at his father

“You know, as a father you really aren’t that supportive. Not that I expected you to be. You’re a frost giant. You have no feelings. You’re just waiting for the moment when my heart is shattered into a million pieces because you killed my lover. You crave it. So don’t pretend that this is for the best.” He ridiculed. Laufey looked at Loki with no remorse

“You’re a frost giant Loki. You don’t have a heart to shatter.” He said simply before striding out, the frost giants dragging Loki shortly behind him.

And that's chapter 21! I'll ask again, as usual because it seems it's all I do...opinions? Like? Not like? Can I ask a big favour from you guys? Would you mind spreading the word about this? As much as I love you guys and I really do love you guys, I would love some new readers on this.

Hugs to you all.

- Z xx

'Nobody is black or white. There are shades of grey in all of us' - Tom Hiddleston.

Just my favourite quote from him, for you there. Kind of fits actually in Loki's sense ;) xx

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