Chapter 19

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So we've reached chapter 19! This one is a little longer and we finally get to see a conversation between father and son. Hope you like it ;) I'm sorry that I'm not really saying much in these comment things. Not sure what to say haha.

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

Beads of sweat dripped off Loki’s forehead as he silently moved around the palace of the frost giants. He had just reached the courtyard and ahead of him stood a few giants, blocking his way to freedom. All he had to do was get past them and he was out and away. But he had to be quick. It had been around five minutes since he had locked the frost giants in the cell. They had most likely escaped by now, which meant that soon alarm bells would be rung, signalling that a prisoner had escaped. If he wasn’t out by then, he was most likely going to be faced with an ambush. The wind blew around the yard with ferocious force, causing his cape to flap about. Quickly he grabbed it and attached it to his armour. He glanced up to see if the frost giants had noticed. Luckily they hadn’t. Loki breathed a sigh of relief. Then, timing his moment perfectly, he ran to the next column of the palace and hid in the shadows. His chest was heaving as he waited for the right moment to run to the gate at the front of the palace; the gate that held him prisoner.  He checked the group of frost giants again. They were still stood at the front of the palace, obstructing his way to freedom. Loki looked around to see if there was anything that could distract the frost giants. With dismay, he realised that there was nothing around him that was feasible to use. He would have to use magic. Loki sighed. He didn’t want to waste his precious magic. It was the only thing that made him different to the frost giants. He shook the thoughts out of his head. If using magic helped him get back to Laila then that is what he would have to do.  Turning to face the frost giants Loki closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Soon enough, Loki felt the familiar feeling of the world around him falling away. All that currently existed was him and the frost giants in front of him. As his concentration on the frost giants intensified, Loki could sense that his powers were not as strong as they were previously. He had to be careful. One false move could destroy his powers completely. To his delight he saw the frost giants slowly begin to rise up from the ground. Loki heard the panicky yells of confusion coming from where the frost giants floated. Suddenly one of the frost giants turned to face Loki, whilst still hovering. A twisted scowl grew upon the giants face as he realised why he was in the air

“Hey! You! Get us down you filthy piece of scum! I’ll kill you!” he threatened menacingly. Loki smiled with mischief flashing through his eyes; he knew that he was safe as long as his concentration on the frost giants did not falter. However it seemed that luck was not on Loki’s side as moments later, a shrill ringing echoed throughout Jotunheim; the warning bell for escaped prisoners. Loki whipped his head round as the ringing reached his ears. The other frost giants must have escaped and were no doubt searching for him at this very moment. Another thought dropped into Loki’s head like a bombshell. His concentration had ceased. The magic would have stopped which meant that the frost giants would be free from his magic. Loki turned around very slowly and was faced with a view that filled his stomach with dread. The group of frost giants surrounded the prince and grinned simultaneously with delight, the thought and joy of thrashing the prince showing upon each of their anticipated faces. Loki stayed very still. The frost giant in charge of the pack stepped forward “Bet you wished you were back in your cell now don’t you Asgardian?” he asked Loki. Loki did not stir, his gaze was distant. The frost giant stepped closer towards Loki, his face contorted with growing fury “Did you not hear me prince? Maybe we should teach you how to listen. Hmm?” he said with growing excitement. The others murmured in agreement. Loki continued to stay as still as a statue. The head frost giant grew impatient. With huge strides he reached the crouching prince, his breath heaving “Answer me Asgardian scum!” He bellowed before taking a swing at the prince. Then to his utter astonishment, the frost giant watched as his hand glided through the prince’s face without as much as a scratch. He was even more surprised when the prince disappeared all together. “Where are you?! Come and fight me like a real man!” the frost giant challenged. Loki, who had reappeared behind the group of giants smiled with satisfaction.

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