Chapter 22 (Part 3)

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And we're at part 3! I'm not entirely sure how long this particular chapter is going to be. Ah well I think it'll be soon so it's okay. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

Laila began to pull her weapon out of her belt when Loki put out his hand to stop her

“Laila, what do you think you are doing?!” he whispered hurriedly. Laila smiled sadly

“Loki i have to do this. Trust me. Everything will be okay.” She reassured him. Turning to Laufy she got up slowly so that Laufy did not suspect anything “Your weapon may have that powerful poison running through it Laufy but i bet I can guarantee one thing.” She said mysteriously. Laufy raised an eyebrow curiously

“Oh and what would that be?” he asked. Laila smiled to herself before replying

“I bet it’s not as strong as my ball and chain.” She said before whipping out her ball and chain and slamming it hard into Laufy’s blade. The sound of shattering ice echoed around the courtyard. Laufy shouted in pain and staggered backwards. The frost giant guards quickly reacted and grabbed Laila’s arms to stop her from lashing out again. Laufy looked at Laila as he cradled his broken arm, a dark aura appearing in his eyes

“Release her.” He forced out. The frost giants obeyed and threw Laila down to the ground. Laila gasped as she hit the cobbled floor, but quickly picked herself up and eyed Laufy, waiting for his next move. Laufy laughed in between breathless pants “You are going to wish that you never did that.” He warned. Loki began to panic

“Laila. Please. Don’t do anything stupid.” He panted “I couldn’t forgive myself if anything happened to you.” Laila smiled and kissed him

“Don’t worry about me. I’m sure that-” she was cut off when Loki’s eye widened and he screamed

“LOOK OUT!” Laila whipped around and instantly felt a sharp pain penetrate her skin. The world began to turn as Laila sensed herself falling. For Loki it felt as if the world had slowed down. He had watched in horror as Laufy swung the sword at his fiancé and caught her clothing, ripping the material instantly and tearing her pale skin, leaving a bloody gash in its place. Without the frost giants holding him, Loki was able to crawl to where his lover lay. His hands were shaking as he began to cry uncontrollably “Laila. Oh my god. LAILA!” He screamed out, cradling her head in his lap. Laila’s eyes flickered open, she was barely awake but she was alive. Loki breathed a shaky sigh of relief. Laila’s eyes rolled in her head, she spoke slowly

“Loki?” she asked in confusion. Loki nodded and wiped away the tears that blinded his vision

“Yes it’s me, I’m here.”  He whispered. Laila smiled slightly

“Hey.” She said weakly. Loki laughed quickly

“Hi.” He replied. Laila attempted to sit up when she winced in agony. She slid back down to the floor feebly.

“How bad is it?” she asked. Loki glanced down to where the sword had struck. A thin red line spread itself over Laila’s stomach. It was deep. Loki looked back up to Laila’s grey face and stroked it with a shaky hand

“Everything’s fine. You’re going to be okay. Trust me.” He spoke reassuringly, for his sake as well as Laila’s. Laila looked into Loki’s eyes knowingly

“I know you’re lying. That’s what you said to Lola before she died.” She said plainly. Loki picked up Laila’s hand in his, his heart felt like it would break at any moment

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