Chapter 32

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New chapter! Woo! Finally! Bet you're all thinking 'Jesus she takes her bloody time!' or words to that effect. ;) Don't worry. I understand if you're mad. I would be too.


Saw Thor 2 yesterday! OMFG it was amazing! Like it was incredible. So good.

Anyway hopefully this will make up for all that time I didn't update. A little bit of a happier chapter for you all. But don't get used to it kay? Kay. Anyway. Hope you enjoy it. Love you guys lots and lots and lots.

Lots of Loki love from me.

- Z xx


Laila stood in her under garments, casting her eye over the rows of dresses that stood before her. She had tried many of them but none of them were right. Rows of reds, greens, purples, blues, golds, creams and even some daring oranges called out to her, desperate to be picked. It was a little overwhelming. Loki had insisted they still got married despite everything that had happened. His exact words were ‘to forget everything and just be us again, even if it is for a short while’. She had agreed with much enthusiasm. Now though, everything was just piling up.

A maid hurried from around the corner with a dark blue dress, breaking Laila from her thoughts of her husband-to-be. The dress had gems of silver scattered around the skirt. The top was embroidered with silver runes. It was beautiful – but it just wasn’t right.

“What about this one Princess?” she offered. Laila smiled kindly.

“It’s a beautiful dress Isabella, but I worry that it is too dark. I don’t want to look depressing at the altar.” She admitted, embarrassed that how picky she was being. Isabella had been with her for over an hour. Laila was surprised at how cheerful she still was.

“Of course Princess, I understand.  Shall I pick another one for you to look at?” Isabella asked innocently, without a hint of irritation. Laila nodded, not paying much attention. Isabella scurried off into the forest of material once again to find another dress. Laila let out a sigh. She wanted to look perfect for Loki. She didn’t want to spoil it for him.

“I think the idea of a wedding is that you appear in a dress, love.” A voice mocked from behind her. Laila froze and spun round. Loki stood there in his typical robes, the healthy glow had returned to his skin since he had returned to Asgard. He looked and behaved like Loki again; joking around and causing mischief. Laila raised an eyebrow and smirked.

“Real funny Loki.” She said sarcastically. Loki chuckled before approaching her. Laila turned back to face the dresses and allowed Loki to hug her from behind, kissing her neck.

“Have you not chosen yet?” He asked softly. Laila shook her head, examining the mountain of colourful material.

“I can’t decide. I just want to look perfect. I don’t want to disappoint you.” She admitted. Loki stopped kissing her and moved his mouth to her ear.

“Laila you’ll look perfect to me no matter what you wear.” He reassured. Isabella returned to the pair of them and blushed when she saw the couple sharing an intimate moment.

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