Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 guys! Wooo! First of all I just want say a HUGE thanks to each and every one of you that has read, voted or commented on this story. I have now passed the '800 reads' mark which, for me, is incredible. I am lost for words and I cannot thank you enough. *Hugs* So yes this chapter is slightly shorter but after this it does get a little better. Don't forget to drop a comment and what you think!

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

Back in his cell, Loki could not contain his grief. Anger and sorrow clawed at his chest like a caged animal. It had taken all the strength that he had to resist the urge to kill his father. He paced up and down his cell over and over again, thoughts rushing through his head. This is your fault. Everything that’s happened. Laila’s death, the war. It’s your entire fault! It should be you lying on the cold, hard ground of the courtyard; not Laila. This makes you no different to Laufey. You’re a monster just like him! Loki cradled his bleeding hand and examined the various cracks that spread across the wall before resting his forehead against it, panting. The chill of the wall cooled his blue skin as he whimpered to himself. Then, slowly, Loki slid himself down until he was crouched against the wall. The shard of glass that he had used to make markings reflected the moonlight and caught his attention. He slumped down against the wall and picked it up. The shard’s jagged edges stroked his skin as he played with it in his hands. All of a sudden Loki winced as the glass tore his skin. A thick gash formed upon his hand, revealing the black blood that hid underneath. Loki gazed at the cut, mesmerised by the darkness of the blood. Without a second thought he dipped his finger in the leaking pool and began sketching Laila’s name into the cold, hard floor of his cell, ignoring the throbbing that came from his wound as he squeezed it to get more and more blood. After a few minutes Loki leant back and admired his work. The dry blood had begun to crumble and fade as he had gone on. With a quick action he swiped his hand above the cracking word and watched intently as a bright white flame began to burn in its place. As he watched, Loki saw the letters of his lovers name beginning to scorch themselves into the ground. The cinders of his black blood flew around the flame, before corroding into ashes that fell back to the floor. Eventually the flame faded away. Loki gazed at the inscription sadly. That was it. He had used all of his magic. The flame had been his last trick. He was just a frost giant now. Loki looked down and the shard of glass again and picked it up. His transparent reflection glared back at him. Loki stared at his reflection, remembering the night of the feast when he had caught sight of Laila in his mirror as he tweaked his robe. Loki sighed as he felt the tears return. He would give anything to see her beautiful face; to hear her soothing voice. He had no one to blame but himself. He had dragged her into this mess and here he was paying the price. If we hadn’t met, then none of this would’ve happened. He thought to himself. With frustration he threw the shard of glass down on the cobbled floor. The glass shard bounded across the stone floor before coming to a stop near the corner of the cell. Loki glanced at where the glass lay. It would only take one strike. Then it would be over. He told to himself. Instantly he shook the thought out of his head. Laila would be heartbroken if he ever did such a thing. The faint creek of the main door echoed through the dungeons. Loki whipped his head up, instantly on alert. He could hear footsteps slowly approaching, taking their time to arrive. Loki burrowed himself into his knees as the footsteps closed in on his cell. Soon a dark figure stood between Loki and the remaining light. It didn’t take long for Loki to figure out who it was. The deep poisoning red gaze of his father could not be mistaken. Laufey peered into the cell and picked out his son from the shadows before motioning to a frost giant to open the cell door. Obeying immediately, the cell door was forced open, the sound of its creaking hinges filling the room. Loki eyed Laufey suspiciously as he entered, anger rising in his throat. With quick glances he shuffled to the corner of the cell, the safest place, he thought, and also the place where he had thrown the shard of broken glass. Laufey failed to notice this and began to speak to his son as if the feud between them had never happened

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