Chapter 2*

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Chapter 2

"Aspen!" My father shouts one level above me. I can hear he is still in his office. Working on something important I bet. 

Shit the house.

I take this as my chance to make a run for it. Being on the second level will be an easy jump. I should have stayed up and cleaned up the mess but that would be no fun. I jump out of my bed and make my way to my open window. Just as I have one leg out the window Rory comes in my room. "Hey Rory." I wave awkwardly.

"What are you doing?" He questions with his eyebrows arched. He walks closer to me. Rory is dressed in his usual button up shirt and dark washed jeans. His scent of fresh apples making me hungry.

"Escaping. Did you not hear my father call me? I'm to young to die." I say not moving from the window.

"In your pajamas?" He questions.

"Huh?" I look down at my attire of course I still in my pj's. I touch my white tank top loosing my grip on the window sill. I didn't even have time to shift. I hit the ground hard. Laying on my back on the dewy grass I try to sit up but a pain on my left side stops me.

"Don't move. One of your ribs is broken." Rory studies my side before pushing my broken rib back where it should be. It might sound gross but things like this is normal for Weres. It doesn't hurt much maybe if it had pierced my lung.

"Great now I have blood all over me." I voice looking at my ruin tank.

"You're mad about the blood, not falling out the window?" Rory chuckles.

"Yeah. Why?" I say shielding my eyes from the sun wondering what time it is.

"Never mind I came here to tell you I had Beck and Chambers clean the house for leaving last night." Rory helps me up. "What ever your dad is calling you for has nothing to do with the house."

"Next time lead with that." I say dusting pieces of grass off my bum.

Rory and I walk to the back doors and enter the house. The kitchen is full with pack members setting up for the mixer. Mostly the adults the teens usual help set up the yard. Members of the pack stop me to ask if I'm okay. They see the blood and no doubt smell it. After many attempts of telling them I'm fine I make it back to my room.

I grab some yoga pants, a off the shoulder pull over, and under clothes before my shower. After I'm done I make my way upstairs to my father's office. I smell the air before knocking. My father and his Beta are the only scents I pick up. Knocking a few times my father tells me to enter.

"You wanted to see me Alpha Diesel?" I ask sitting in the black chair front of his large black desk. Everything is pretty much modern in his office.

"Yes. Aspen you know today is the annual mating mixer. I don't want you to attend again this year. You are to stay inside the pack house unless I say other wise. Are we clear?" He finishes not using his Alpha tone but one of authority.

I'm never allowed to go since I was sixteen anyway so I wasn't expecting to go this year. Another year of sitting in the media room watching movies, this time I will be alone since Rory is attending. "Yes Alpha. Can I go now?"

"Yes but I want you to change into one of the dresses I bought you."

"Why it's not like anyone will see it." I hate dresses so much. 

"Aspen. You might not be attending the mixer but you're still next in line and you will make yourself available if needed by your pack."


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