Chapter 10*

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Chapter 10

Now that my heat is over I can get back to doing regular non sex related things. Not that the sex wasn't amazing I just need a break. Having two mates is a lot of work.

Both my mates are currently outside with some of the fighter and tracker wolves in the pack. Which is about one hundred maybe more. Raging from the ages of eighteen to twenty-five. I'm not allowed to watch or help in anyway as Paul and Cam test them on simple training's and commands. Now that I have marked them both they are connected to the pack.

This really sucks because I can't leave or go for a run. Paul and Cam made it quite clear I'm not to leave the pack house for any reason without one of them. My only option is to stay inside.

It's not like I would be in any danger by watching. They give me zero credit.

I watch as my mates each have a group of guys they are working with. Paul is working with same of the best fighters of our pack. Ezekiel who is twenty-two, Landon and Gabriel are the same age. Then there's Nathaniel and Blake who are twenty the same age as Paul and Cam. The way Paul interacts with Nathaniel and Blake I think they might be his third and fourth.

I focus on Cam's group. They are off to the right and Cam is giving them orders. Cam is working with the best trackers of our pack. Aiden and Elijah are twenty-three. Evan is twenty-one. Grayson and Gustavo are both twenty. Gustavo doesn't look to be paying attention to whatever Cam told him to do. He has issues with authority but it never was enough to get into serious trouble. If I've been watching closely I would say Elijah and Evan are Cam's favorites.

Gustavo looks up at me and winks. What an idiot. I smile back as I see Cam watching. I hold back a laugh as Cam hits Gustavo. He should have been paying attention instead of flirting. Gustavo has always flirted with me since he joined the pack five years ago. If he's not careful he can end up a dead wolf. Cam gives me a look so I walk away from the window.

Levi is the only one in the house with me. My father and his Beta are with Rory's mother meeting Sophia and her family. Of course Rory is on his way over to the gathering. Beck is contacting other wolves after Paul and Cam finish with the ones they train. Chambers is somewhere in all that mess. I'm just to lazy to locate him.

It has been hours and I'm bored and probably going crazy. I personally think this sudden need to get the pack accustomed to them is because of Nick. If anything was to go wrong they would be prepared.

Don't get me wrong I'm all for being prepared. I just don't think they need to try in do it all in one day. Nick isn't going to show in maybe a few weeks. We haven't made plans for him yet. I guessing after Luke arrives we will make arrangements.

I'm in no rush to meet with the crazy ass pup. He's younger than me and he's an Alpha. I can't believe it.

I go back to watch Paul and Cam from my window in my room. They look like they might be getting along. They are still giving orders and the pack is following them. The pack has accepted them as their new Alpha's. The only thing standing in our way is time. We will officially be the leaders of all three packs on my birthday.

The same day we will have the official handing over ceremony. Probably the same day Cam is going to want to give me his pups. I have a few weeks before my whole life changes.

I stop watching them and head for the basement. Once in the basement I grab a few supplies. I carry two buckets and a pack of water balloons to the third floor bathroom. Once I have both buckets filled, one will cold water the other with water balloons filled with cold water.

I carry them to the roof. I place both red buckets close to the edge and look over. A lot of wolves and men are in the yard. Most of them are all sweaty and shirtless. Of course they would be its ninety degrees out. I think that's why I couldn't help. Cam is closer so I aim for him with the bucket filled with cold water.

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