Chapter 5*

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Chapter 5

"I could have done that myself you know." I say as I  wrap a towel around my body.

Paul helped me shower as if I was incapable of doing it myself. He was a gentleman about it. He kept his eyes on mine as he washed and scrubbed my body. Nothing about it was sexual but my wolf was going crazy. I had to keep her calm and myself before I ended up being marked and mated in the shower. He is the complete opposite of Cam from what I gather. He is more caring and sweet.

"I'm sure you could. I wanted too. I want you to be comfortable around me in every way possible." 

This guy is just full of charm. I leave Paul to shower and looked for something to wear to bed.

"Kitten you look amazing in that towel. How about I help you out of it?"

"How about I help my knee to your junk?" I smile still looking through my things. 

Most of the things I own to sleep in shows a lot of skin. Like really short shorts and tight tanks. Being a Were my body temperature sometimes made wearing clothes annoying. Most don't bother with it and sleep naked. Sleeping naked is not really an option for me right now.

Cam slowly moves his hand over his area. I laugh. I wasn't really going to knee him, only if I had to.

"Can you turn around?" I ask.

"Why? It's not like I'm never going to see you naked." Cam says rising an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Do it or else."

"Or else what?"

"Just turn around Cam." Paul tells Cam from behind me. I didn't even notice the shower turn off or the door open. These guys are messing with my senses.

"Thanks Paul." I say as he walks over to me.

"No problem." He says  kissing my forehead making me melt.

I really need to put some clothes on.

I clear my throat and speak. "Um Cam, why don't you get in the shower and I'll get you guys something to wear?"

Cam makes a noise that sounds like a low growl towards Paul not in a challenging way thank god. We don't need anymore fights tonight.

Once Paul is out of sight I drop my towel and dress quickly. Short shorts and a tank will have to do. I walk out of my closet and smile at Paul before handing to Levi's room.

I leave my door open and knock on Levi's door. I can smell him coming.

Sorry to bother you Levi but my mates need to borrow some clothes.

Levi leaves my slight to collect what I asked for.

It's not a bother to me my Princess. My duty is to my Luna and her Alpha's.

Levi hands me a pile of clothes that would be enough for the night and morning.

I'm not your Luna yet.

But you will be and you will be a great Luna.

Thank you Levi. For the clothes too.

I walk three feet back to my room and both Paul and Cam standing waiting with towels. I take in a deep breath. "You know you could sit on my bed?" I question.

"We know. We were just making sure your Levi wouldn't try anything." Cam answers in a rude tone.

"He would never." I say with a laugh.

"He could. Your not marked and that's putting our wolves on edge." Paul says with a serious tone.


I never thought about Levi or anyone else trying to claim me. They are right but I'm scared and nervous. I heard stories of how it works. Most of the time a simple marking turns into full mating. I'm not ready for that. I'm a virgin. Plus if they mark me they would be able to hear my thoughts and I would have to learn to block them out like the rest of the pack.

I guess I'm just being a baby about it. I give them both a set of clothes and crawl into my bed. I close my eyes until I feel my bed dip twice. I left the blanket open for them to get in. I finally open my eyes and Paul is to my right and Cam is to my left.

They both disregard the shirts I gave them. Both only wearing bottoms. This is just great. I didn't notice before but both of my mates have tattoo's. Paul has a rose on his right shoulder and Cam has two, one of a tribal dragon on his right arm and one on his hip that I can't really read but it starts with a G.

"If I allow you to mark me you have to promise it won't go any further than that?"

Cam's eyes light up like it was Christmas. I will have to watch it with him. Paul is smiling probably hiding his excitement. I really just want Paul to mark me but I don't want to cause a fight.

"I will respect your wishes and stop after the marking if that is what you want." Paul says cupping cheek in his hand rubbing his thumb close to my lips.

I look at Cam waiting for his answer. "I will try my best kitten but you should know my wolf can be very possessive."

"Okay." I say my voice shaky. 

"Are you sure?" Paul asks.

I nod. My heart was in my throat. 

Paul and Cam move at the same time so Paul is directly behind me and Cam in front. I'm between Paul's legs with his front pressed on my back and Cam's legs are over lapping both mine and Paul's so his front is touching mine.

My breath starts to pick up. I can't believe his is happening. Paul moves my light blonde hair off my neck and into a ponytail so my neck is open to them. I gasp as Paul kisses the back of my neck. 

"Relax Aspen." Paul whispers.

I nod and he continues.

Cam starts to kiss the left side of my exposed neck. The tingles turn into a heat I never felt before. It feels good, so good. I began to grind on Cam. My desire is taking over. I whimper as they both bite down on either side of my neck. Their canines deep in my skin. It doesn't hurt like I expected it too.

I want to throw everything I just said out the window about stopping right after marking. I want them so bad. No, need them I need them to finish. They both release my neck and lick the wound. It will heal soon and appear as a white ink tattoo of teeth marks. My wolf is happy with the marking, purring with joy.

For the first time I kiss Cam who responds briskly. Both his hands on either side of my cheeks holding me in place as he lays us down. Me on top of him straddling him. It's easier for me to grind on him is this position and I take advantage of it. He groans into my mouth and I moan. 

"Cam stop. You know she is only reacting from the marking. We promised her." I hear Paul say but his voice was too far away.

Before I knew it Paul is pulling me off Cam. Cam's eyes turn dark blue and deep growls erupt from his chest.

"It's okay Paul's right." I mange to say out of breath.

"Mine." Cam growls.

"Yes I'm yours Cam but I'm also Paul's."

Cam's eyes change back and I'm happy I was able to defuse the situation so easy.

"We should get some sleep." Paul says still holding me in place.

I start to feel bad for trying to have sex with Cam over Paul but I couldn't help it.

Paul releases me and I lay in the middle of the bed waiting for Paul and Cam to join. And they do after a few moments. I cuddle with the both of them and drift off to sleep.

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