Chapter 11*

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Chapter 11

I wake up to soft warm strokes on my face. The smell of roses and wood engulf my senses. I open my eyes to see Paul leaning over me. He has a small smile on his face. It doesn't look genuine it's forced. He looks a little sad but other wise content. Paul is fully dressed in a black jacket, a loose black shirt and dark jeans. I try to sit up and see why he is in my room so early but he holds up his hand and I stop.

"I'm going to the airport to get Luke. His flight gets in at eight am." Paul whispered.

"What time is it now? I'll come with you." I mumbled sitting up.

"Six and I think I should get him and explain the whole having two mates thing to him before you meet him."

"If I can't come at least take Nathaniel and Blake." 

"Look at you being all protective." Paul joked. I roll my eyes. "They are waiting in the car as we speak Aspen. I should be back around ten, maybe eleven." Paul ran his fingers along my arm.

Warm tingles following his touch linger. I sit on my knees to reach his lips. The kiss is innocent but quickly changes to sloppy and urgent. Before I know it I'm tugging off his jacket and pulling him down to the bed. Paul follows my lead removing my tank top and then my bra.

"Paul." I moaned as he attacked my breast with his lips and tongue.

Paul answers back with small growls as he leaves kisses down my chest and stomach. He makes his way to my core and I arch my back and lift my hips as he removes my panties. Paul slips two fingers into me and pumps them slowly. I whimper as he removes his fingers from me. I need more. I need him to finish. 

"Paul." I whined.

He smiles at me before removing this jeans and placing a condom on his erect member. Once the condom is on he returns to the bed and ready's himself at my entrance. I give him a small nod and he thrust into me. He starts out slow and then moves faster as I moan out loudly. He goes for his mark licking and sucking it until I cum.

"Oh Cam!" I yelled out as I became undone.

Paul pulls out of me roughly which is strange because he is usually the gentle one. I don't see any of my clothes on the bed so I cover up with the comforter. By the time I cover myself Paul is dressed and sitting on the bed with his back facing me. I can feel anger coming off him in waves. Why is he angry? Did I do something wrong?

"Paul what's wrong?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder.

He pulls it away roughly and I wince. What the hell? "You called me his name." He spat.

"I-I what?" I asked. I don't remember calling out Cam's name.

You did Aspen.

Did I really Nieve?

Yes you did. Logan is furious.

"Paul?" I called his name my voice a little above a whisper.

"Leave." He said. 

This is my room. "But I-"

"Leave before I hurt you. I can't control him!"

I hurry out my room with nothing but the comforter around my body. Not seconds later I hear crashing and the breaking of my things. Paul or Logan maybe both are completely trashing my room. That could have been me. Would he really hurt me? Would Cam? I shake the thoughts out of my head as I creep into Cam's room.

Cam is facing the wall but I'm sure he is up. It's almost like he never sleeps. I take this time to look for some clothes. I'm not in the mood for sex anymore. I find a pair of black boxers easily but I can't find a shirt.

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