Chapter 14*

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Chapter 14

"I will cover you with love when next I see you, with caresses, with ecstasy. I want to gorge you with all the joys of the flesh, so that you faint and die." Paul pauses to see if I'm listening.

I tilt my head and smile for him to continue showering me with the most amazing words I have ever heard. Every word taking me to different places. At this moment Paul and I are in the woods behind the pack house under my favorite tree.

Paul's head is in my lap as he reads different passages to me. My hands never leaving his hair. The sun is shinning bright but the tree's branches and leaves protect us from the rays.

"I want you to be amazed by me, and to confess to yourself that you had never ever dreamed of such transports... When you are old, I want you to recall those few hours, I want your dry bones to quiver with joy when you think of them."

I take Paul's empty hand and lace our fingers together. "That was beautiful. Who wrote it?"

"Gustave Flaubert."

These moments with Paul in the library have been my bit of peace. My time with Cam also but in a different way then when I'm with Paul. Paul knows how to use his words while Cam uses touch and his energy. They balance each other out in that way I guess.

"Aspen did you hear what I said?"

I must have zoned out. "I'm sorry what did you say?"

"I asked if you wanted any help today planning the ceremony."

"No. I've got it." I assure him. Rory, Levi and Luke are going to be helping me with the ceremony.

"Okay. I'm going to meet up with Cam then." Paul tells me before kissing my lips.

The action simple but sweet. Once Paul leaves I place the books Paul was reading to me back on the shelves and leave the library.

After grabbing a notepad and pen from my room I held to the office where Rory, Levi, and Luke will be waiting.




"Hey guys. Are you ever going to call me anything else but Princess?"

"No matter what you will always be our Princess, so the answer to that is no." Rory says playfully.

I laugh. "Okay. Let's get down to business. My birthday and the handing over ceremony will be on the same day. The pack has been informed which means a whole lot of new faces from Cam and Paul's side coming in the next few weeks. Some might stay for good others will go back. I need you to handle all pack members coming and going from now til then."

"I got it. Anything else you need from me?" Rory questions.

"Nope." I say going over my list. "Luke I haven't gotten a chance to ask but how is everything going with you?"

"Great actually. I really like it here plus if I mess up Paul has already told me he's going to ship my ass back to Kansas."

"Good to know Luke. I'll have you manage food and the set up. Levi I need you to help Luke since he doesn't know the stores. I guess that's it for now. Any questions?"

The group shake their heads no and leave me to the rest. Paul's parents will be arriving a few days before the ceremony. Cam doesn't have any family so I guess his is already here. If he even considers Bass and Stark as family. They're the closest to him so I would think so. 

Then there's the whole me and Cam having sex to creative a baby. I don't know any other way to put it. That was the deal so it's going to happen if I'm ready or not. I think I'm ready. I'll be Luna officially and that's one of the duties to the pack reproduce.

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