Chapter 15*

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Chapter 15

I wake up in a tangle of arms and legs. I'm more surprised they stayed all through the night then leaving me alone after that wonderful night. Waking up next to them feels so right, so complete. I'm extremely proud of both Paul and Cam. I hope this has a positive effect on them both because the possessiveness is driving me crazy.

I stretch a bit to see if they will loosen their grip on me but it's no use. I'm pinned. I need to use the bathroom and I'm hungry. The scent of maple bacon, and waffles is filling my nose, their the homemade kind. Yum. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. So much for being subtle.

I move as quick as possible to get away from my sleeping mates. Once I'm out of the bed they both stir and I run to my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I don't look any different nor do I feel different. If I am pregnant after last night I'm sure my mates will sense it first. That's what usually happens anyway.

I take my time and shower washing my hair and body until I'm satisfied I don't smell like sex. Since mating with Paul and Cam my scent has this sweet underlining smell of honey. It's a very nice mixture with my original scent of coconut and orchids. That's one thing I had to get used to. I wonder what are children will smell like. What color their wolves will be? Will they be more like me or Cam, Paul? 

I wave baby thoughts away for now and I dress in a simple pair of shorts and a shirt. I slip on some toms. When I done I walk back out to my room expecting both my mates to either still be in bed sleeping or gone all together but their not. Both of them are fully dressed sitting on my bed a few spaces apart.

I smile and sit in the middle of them. "Please tell me there's more bacon left."

Paul laughs. "Yes there's more food. Sebastian is making more as we speak."

Bass? I had no idea he could cook. "Good because I'm starving."

"Then we shall feed our mate." Cam says trying to keep the mood light but I feel like he wants to say something else or something more.

I'm not sure but the way he keeps flexing his right hand tells me he's nervous about something. I decide to ask him once we're alone because he doesn't seem like he's going to do much talking with Paul around. 

Moan once we reach the kitchen. It smells so much better up close. Just like Paul said Bass is still cooking and his twin Stark is helping. How cute is that? Brother bonding. I sit at the stool in the middle while Cam and Paul fix our plates.

Paul doesn't get a chance to place the plate down before I grab it. Very unladylike but I'm hungry and Paul moves painfully slow. He rises an eyebrow at me but I ignore it. Cam makes no comment either but he is watching the way he does adding to my questions of what is going on in his head.

"These waffles are amazing." I say dragging out the g's in amazing. "Can I have some fruit please Stark?" I ask him since he is the closest to the refrigerator.

"No problem Luna. What kind?" He asks over his shoulder.

"Cantaloupe, honey dew, watermelon and blue berries." All eyes went to me like a ordered a three course meal or something. "What I like fruit?"

Cam chuckles. "Eating a lot isn't a bad thing."

But I'm not eating a lot. I'm a Were. I always eat this much. "Sure." I snap wanting to drop the whole thing and enjoy my food.

Stark brings me all I ask for and no one talks as we eat. Bass and Stark clean up and leave just my mates and me alone in the kitchen. 

"So you're calling me fat?" I ask Cam pushing my empty plates side.

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