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I've been crying a lot. More than I have in my whole twenty years of living. I was fine two months ago. Before I got this huge. I can't see my own feet. Having two growing pups who are also Alpha's can become difficult.

They are heavier than doctor Connery estimated. He told my mates and I they should be six pounds each maybe a little more but I feel like I'm carrying way more than twelve pounds. It's hard for me to move around as we get closer to my estimated due date. Cam and Paul have me on bed rest which is okay. My father and other pack members have been keeping me company. Cam removed his no males in my room rule so I can have more visitors.

I told my father about the other supernaturals and what could happen after I give birth to my pups. He reacted the same as my mates. I just couldn't find the time to tell him or my mates. Now that everyone is on the same page things have gotten a little crazy.

We had a few visitors. First was McKenna and her lover Jas. She came to give her thanks in person. Which is much appreciated. The vampires were a different story. Cam almost killed one but Stark and Bass stopped him. Oliver was more upset than my mates because they are from his coven.

I didn't get to meet them maybe after I give birth which should be today actually. Another reason why I've been crying. I'm scared and nervous. I'm sure I will heal but I'm not concerned about that.

In a few hours I will be responsible for two souls. I just wish my mother was here.

She would be most proud of you Luna.

Thank you Nieve.


A single tear falls from my eye and I quickly wipe it away. No more crying. I'm a strong Alpha female who can handle anything.

"Glad to see you're up." I open my eyes to see Paul standing in my door way.

"I've been for a while." I clear my throat. My voice sounds rough. Like I have been crying.

"Cam is talking with the doctor now." Paul walks closer to my bed. "How are you feeling?" He asks as he brushes my hair aside.

I haven't taken a shower yet. Usually Cam or Paul helps me with that. Other then that I'm ready to go.

"I feel fine actually. I don't feel any pain but that could be Nieve taking the pain away." I say setting up.

Paul helps me sit up. I rub my belly as he picks out something for me to wear. Nothing but dresses fit me. I've been wearing Cam and Paul's shirts anyway. It's not like I go anywhere. The weather is warm and relaxing for September but this California.

"So white or blue?" Paul holds up two similar cotton maternity dresses.

"I'll go with the white." Cam says before I can pick. I nod my head at Paul in agreement with Cam.

Paul lays the dress out and moves on to start the bath.

"How is my Kitten doing?" Cam asks as he rubs my stomach and the pups settle at his touch.

"Aspen." I correct. "I'm fine Cam."

Cam chuckles. "Aspen. My beautiful mate are you ready to meet our pups?"

"Of course." I smile and Cam kisses my forehead.

Paul returns from the bathroom and scoops me up. I glad I don't have to walk. Babies are heavy even for me.

Paul recites lines from my favorite books as he helps me clean up. It is keeping me calm but I can't disregard the slight pains I'm starting to feel. I'm sure Nieve tried to keep them for as long as she could but it's something I have to do.

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