Chapter 6*

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Chapter 6

I wake up as soon as the bed dips. I don't open my eyes or make any sudden movements as I feel Paul's eyes on me. Watching me to see if he had woken me. He kisses my forehead before leaving the room. Where is he going and why do I feel a little empty? It must be the bond because I never felt anything like it before. Not even when my father leaves.

I lay in bed and watch Cam sleep. It's not creepy until you try it. It's very interesting actually. Cam's face is softer in sleep and his cocky grin hidden. I like this Cam better. Soft non cocky Cam who looks so damn hot. Before I know it my hand is inches from his face about to touch him. He opens his eyes and hat cocky grin is back. I should have went back to sleep.

"What are you doing?" He demands. His voice is deep with sleep.

I just wanted to touch him. "Nothing." I say turning to get out of bed. He totally ruined the moment I was having with his face.

"Wait." He says grabbing my arm.

"What? I need to use the bathroom."

"Fine." He snaps letting me go.

Such an asshole. Damn. 

Rory what are we doing today?


Yeah we? What is wrong with everyone this morning?

I have plans with my mate but that's not until later. So what do you have in mind?

Mate! You found her and you didn't think to tell your best friend?

You were kind of busy with your mates and all.

I want to meet her. Is she coming over?

Yeah later tonight.

Okay. Meet me in the gym in 20 minutes. Bring Levi.

Yes Princess right away.


Okay sorry. Princess.

I'm going to kick your ass.

Sure you will.

After I shower I dress in some workout gear. With me not running all the time I need another way to relieve some of my stress. My wolf is telling me sex will do the trick but I'm not listening to her horny ass.

"Where are you going?" Cam asks still laying in bed.

I almost forgot his rude ass was here. "To the gym."

"Not wearing that." He voices pointing to my outfit.

Is he serious? I'm wearing gym attire. I'm wearing gray workout shorts and a white tank. There is nothing wrong with what I'm wearing.

"I'm sorry I didn't know I had to ask you if I could wear what I wanted on my body." I snap.

His eyes turn dark blue and he is by my side in seconds. Damn he's fast. One strong hand is blocking me from leaving the room. What the hell? I'm not having any of his shit.

"You're in my way move." I say with venom.

He turns his head to the side studying me. The stupid grin on his face is irritating the shit out of me. He moves only to place his other hand on the wall blocking me in. He is so close I can feel the heat coming off him. 

"You know I don't like the way you speak to me. I'm your Alpha and your mate."

"Speak to you? I speak to you the same way I speak to everybody."

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