Chapter 18*

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Chapter 18

I turn over in Cam's empty bed. I guess I stayed all night. I never got my diner though. I run my fingers though my messy hair and sit up. Not shortly after Cam walks in with a tray of food. Thank you Cam.

"Did you make this yourself?" I ask reaching for the tray.

"Yeah. Paul said you like bacon so I made BLT's." Cam says as he sits in front of me.

I eat the sandwiches Cam has made. They're four on the tray and I eat three.

"Do you want the last one?" He points to the lone sandwich.

"No. I'm full." I state drinking the juice he has on the tray.

"I'm going to take this back to the kitchen. You should get ready and meet us in the examination room." I nod my head as he takes the tray away.

I almost forgot about the check up Cam wants me to have. I'm eager to find out just as much but I'm also very nervous.

My first child could be sitting inside me right now. I don't sense anything also Cam and Paul haven't said anything yet. I think to keep me from stressing about it or they don't sense it either.

The way Paul was holding my stomach yesterday I think I might be.

I leave Cam's room to enter my own. I search my closet for something comfortable but easy to get out of for the examine. I pick out a simple cotton dress and some flats. I guess it's time I start dressing more like a Luna then a teenager.

I'm first to show up in the examination room so I let my curiosity get the better of me and I start messing with the machines in the room.

"Good morning Aspen." I almost jump.

"Good morning Dr. Connery." I say and take a seat on the bed.

Doctor Connery is the only pack doctor this pack has. Since the size has doubled we will need to find other's to accommodate the many.

"Please call me Charles, Aspen." He says with a warm smile.

Charles has been around long before I was born. I'm sure he was there for my birth.

I smile at him and acknowledge my mates waking in behind him.

I lay down as Charles uses a stethoscope to listen to my stomach. As a Werewolf the sound will double using the object. There is not need for a ultrasound just yet.

I close my eyes and wait for the doctor to speak again. I can't look at Cam or Paul I'm way too nervous.

"Ah Aspen it is my pleasure to say you are indeed with child." I open my eyes.

"How far long?" Cam questions.

"It's hard to say because of the Alpha gene but far enough to hear the heartbeats." He says.

I sit up. "I'm sorry I thought I heard you said heartbeats as in more then one."

Charles turns to face me. "Yes. Sorry I hear more than one. It is quite common with two mates."

"But there's no definite number right now?" Paul adds.

"No Alpha. I can not give you a number."

Am I hearing this right? I could have twins or more.

"When then?" Cam snaps.

He's not even pregnant. Why is he freaking out?

"By the end of the month I should know or you two should."Charles starts to put his tool away.

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