Chapter 9*

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Chapter 9

I wake up to a soft knock on the door from Rory. Most likely he's here to inform me when my father will arrive. I haven't linked with my father since that almost attack that turned out to be Ollie and his second in command. I can't even say his name. I wonder if Oliver made it to Canada alright.

Aspen your father should be home in two hours.

Okay. What time is it now?


Am? You couldn't have woke me up at nine or ten?

Well with your heat and all I thought you would want to you know... I'm going to go this is awkward. I'll make sure the pack house is ready.

Thanks Rory.

As if I need Rory to remind me. I can feel my body starting to burn up. Paul and I never got to have some alone time. I fell asleep on the movie. If we did I would be fine but I need one of them to fix it.

How do I even ask? Hey Paul, Cam my heat is back can one of you have sex with me? Yeah I'm not doing that. I'll just take a cold shower.

I untangle myself from my sleeping mates. They look so peaceful even Cam.

I turn on the shower using only cold water. It's freezing but not helping my heat at all. My wolf is whimpering with need. I tell her to be strong and she tells me the last day is always the hardest.

My mind drifts off to the hard things I need inside of me. Fuck. The burning is starting again and I hold back a scream. Trying to muffle my scream I end up biting my lip. Now I'm bleeding. Great.

Paul. I need you.

Sleep or not I know he can hear me. I hate this. I feel so needy. Aspen Diesel Princess of the West pack and what ever we're going to call Paul and Cam's packs needs her mates to take care of her heat.

I can't believe I just called myself Princess. I'm not really a Princess. I just come from a long line of pure Alpha blood. If Were's had royalty I guess I would be it. Not that I want to be. It's just something my mother tried to get me to think about.

"Aspen come here." Paul says picking me up off the floor holding me upright.

I didn't even notice I sat down. Maybe I fell because I feel so damn weak. "Wait. I want to do it in the shower."


Paul doesn't question me. He removes his shorts then his boxers. He changes the water temperature so it's warm. His eyes are dark green matching my steel blue ones. He's hard already and I'm wet from daydreaming.

Paul picks me up and I wrap my legs around his toned torso. The warm water now running on us both. His hair looks darker when it's wet, it's cute.

Paul slips his erect member inside of me and I gasp as he fills me up. He kisses all over my face then my lips. He sucks on the lip I bit until it stops bleeding. While holding me close to his chest he thrust into me slowly dragging out my orgasm. I feel it coming.

"Paul faster please." I beg.

Paul pushes me against the tile wall and grips my hips and pounds into me.

"Oh yes. Paul." Scream out.

He feels so good. My wolf wants to mark him now.

"Can I mark you?" I ask breathlessly.

"Yes." He hisses.

I turn my head and my canines bite down in the same area I marked Cam. I lick the wound and it closes.

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