Chapter 17*

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Chapter 17

I look for the cell phone I barely use. I keep it for when I need to talk to people who aren't in my pack. I have my own connections from being a 'rebel'. I call it networking. Without me traveling outside of the pack territory we wouldn't have most of the connections we have now. Cam and Paul watch me as I look for the number. I write it down on a notepad and place the phone back inside the night table draw.

Bailey answers her phone on the third ring. "Hey Aspen." Bailey's cheerful voice travels through the speaker in the office.

I roll my eyes at her bubbly personality that I'm not in the mood for. "Hi Bailey. I'm here with my mates and we have some questions for you."

"Mates? Congratulations I guess. How can I help?"

"Thanks. I'll tell you about it later but we came home to the smell of sage. Do you know of any witches who would be trying to cleanse our pack house?"

"Well white sage is for cleansing but there other kinds. Any witch crazy enough to cleanse the pack house of the golden three is definitely off their rocker."

"Golden three?" I ask. I can see the whole golden thing because of Cam and Paul with their golden specs in their fur but my wolf is all white so I'm not sure how the name fits us.

"Yeah I just did some searching and that's what the other supernaturals are calling you guys."

Cam rises his eyebrows in thought but he doesn't say anything.

"Is there a possibility that you can come here and tell us what kind of sage it is and if we should be preparing for some type of trouble with this witch?" Paul asks.

"Sure. I'll can be there in a few hours. Until then you might want to keep an eye on Aspen." She knows me too well. "There has to be a reason a witch is snooping around your house."

"Thank you." Paul says before ending the call.

Another reason for me to locked up in this house. When we find the witch responsible I'll kill the person myself. If they are a threat of course. I sound like Cam.

"I guess we should wait to give you your present then." Paul trails off.

"No. I want it. What is it?" I rush out my words with excitement.

"It's a bike and its in the back." Cam says before leaving the office.

I follow him out but Paul stops me in the doorway. "He's not going to the bike. Give him some space okay." Paul's hand stays on my stomach as he speaks.

"Okay. Can you show me it then?" I ask removing his hand to hold it. He nods and we walk to the back of the house where my bike is waiting.

I thought it was going to be a dirt bike but it's not. I stand in front of the sexiest motorcycle I have ever seen. The red paint shines in the sunlight and the white words shows the model name and brand. I walk to the side to read the writing. It's a Ducati, very expensive. I hope I ride better than I drive.

Of course I can't ride it now with the whole keep an eye on Aspen suggestion Bailey gave my mates. Also I could be pregnant so no more ATV's or bikes for me for now.

Cam are you okay?

Cam is fine.

Oh, Chase.

So he went for a run. He could have just said that is where he was going.

Do you need something?

No, not really. Well never mind. I'll just ask him when he comes back.

Until next time Aspen.

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