Chapter 3*

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Chapter 3

I look up with tears in my eyes. Standing just a few feet away is another male. Again my stupid wolf is chanting mate. I don't understand and my head is pounding. All I want to do is take this stupid dress off and lay down and eat. Paul is half sitting in front of my with his elbows on his knees and his hands in tight fists. His green eyes are slowly turning dark. He is ready for a fight. Holy crap. 

This one smells like Sweet pea and something spicy.

"So your my mate who's had me running here for days." He says. 

He's blue eye's watching me like prey. Creeping me out and turning me on. What? He is taller than Paul but they seem to have the same build. His head is a round shape oppose to Paul's square shape. His dark blonde hair is short and tamed probably the only thing about him.

Fuck he is incredibly cocky. Wait slow down. He's been running for days?

"I have two mates?" I whisperer to myself but I'm sure they can hear.

"This is going to be interesting because I really don't share." He says earning a growl from Paul.

"Slow down." I say standing from the couch like a barrier between the two. "My wolf is telling me they are both my mates, dad is that true?" I ask.

"If your wolf is saying that Aspen it is true." His expression tells me he is telling the truth.

"Fuck me." I say running my hands through my hair. I'm so fucked. This can't be happening to me. I don't want a mate now I have two.

"Gladly." He says.

"Shut up it's an expression." He growls at me telling him to shut up.

Paul is on his feet this time standing in front of me. Shit. "Paul please sit." I beg with my eyes. He looks between me and my mate who's name I don't know. He doesn't make a move so I grab his hand. Millions of sparks ran up my hand and all over my body. It feels so right.

Paul looks down at my hand still holding his. I know he feels it too. He sits down in the same spot as before. "Thank you. Now what is your name?" I ask in a bored tone.

"Cam, Alpha Cam of the East pack at your service." He says with a smile.

"That explains it." I say rubbing my forehead. His cocky ass is probably from New York. He is going to be a handful no doubt.

"Aspen, Marlo and I are going to do some research on... well this mating thing. Why don't you give your mates a tour of our home."

Great. The last thing I want to do was be alone with them. My wolf wants to start with my bedroom. "Sure. Rory lead the way." No way am I going to be alone with them. The sparks I feel from Paul make me want him to mark and mate me. I just met him and that's the first thing that came to my mind.

"Cam is that short for something?" I ask as I follow Rory to the basement where we're starting the tour. Paul right behind me and Cam behind him.

"Yes." He answers sticking his large hands in his black leather jacket.

I turn around to see if he is going to add to his answer. He just looks back at me. His tight white v neck shirt hugging to his muscles. His jeans hanging low sitting on top of his heavy black boots. Everything about him is tempting.

Paul clears his throat and I turn to him only to crash into Rory. I balance myself before I can fall and make a fool out of myself. Rory chuckles at my clumsiness probably remembering when I fell out of the window earlier. 

I cough. "This is the gym." I point to the room we're standing in front of. The bright white lights always stays on. I look at both guys to see if they were paying attention. Paul has a semi serious face studying the equipment through the glass walls and door. Cam has on a smirk. Great. "And down that hall is the panic room only the higher ranked know its here."

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