Chapter 12*

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Chapter 12

Dinner was a disaster. My mates and I went out to eat at a diner not far from the pack house. It was a really nice place very modern to fit in with everything else around it. The owners were nice and I liked the food. The ride there was fine. Cam and Paul even talked to each other without it turning into a fight.

Everything changed when our table was waited on by a young male. He was a human and he was one of those cocky pretty boys. His blonde hair hung over his eyes a bit and his blue eyes were pretty but nothing I wanted. He kept hitting on me throughout the time he severed us. I just wanted to eat and be with my mates and learn more about them before things got crazy.

Paul had politely asked the boy to stop which he didn't. When he came out with are food he said something like When you're done with these two come see me. That was the last straw for both Cam and Paul. They shot out of the booth so fast and followed the boy to the back or the kitchen I'm not sure which one.

When they came back I had only two bites of my burger. Cam's eyes were dark blue and Paul was still growling lowly. We paid the bill and left a tip. When we got to the car I finally asked if they had killed the poor boy. Paul said they didn't they just taught him some respect. At least they weren't fighting each other. I just really wanted to finish my bacon cheese burger.

It has been a week and I haven't had sex with either of my mates. I stayed in my newly furnished room. Everything had to be replaced. I might just be paranoid but I don't want to call Cam, Paul or Paul, Cam. They have been busy anyway with moving in members into the house and getting ready for the arrival of their Beta's.

Cam's Beta's Sebastian and Stark the twins and Paul's Beta's Nathan and Collins are due to arrive tomorrow. I'm a little nervous for the house to be full of all these males. I'm use to just Rory, Levi, Beck and Chambers.

My father the current Alpha and Rory's father the Beta have made the decision to move out and let me and my mates take over. We still have time before it's official. My father moving out is no real loss there but I'm going to miss Rory's.

Paul's new third and fourth Nathaniel and Blake have moved in. They seem to be getting along with the others. Nathaniel are Blake are both tall and muscular. They act a lot like brothers. It must be because they're the same age. Nathaniel's eyes are brown eyes and he has curly brown hair. Blake has black hair and crystal blue eyes. He dresses very neat compared to the other wolf's. He also wears a lot of black even though it's way too hot for it.

Whenever I see him in black it makes me want to ask him why. I always go against it.

Cam has been stressing about the small attack that happened a few days after his meeting with his Beta's. Apparently that small group of rogues wasn't passing through. No one from the pack was injured I can't say the same for that group of rogues. I guess I add to his stress because I won't let him touch me or be alone with him. His getting antsy. 

Paul on the other hand is taking his stress out in the gym. He's been in and out of the library too. I won't let him touch me either. He has been very calm about it. But I get flashes of Logan every now and then.

It's Saturday night and I'm sitting in the kitchen with Luke and Rory. They are talking and I'm listening. I think. Well mostly thinking. I have a lot of things on my mind.

Cam and Paul walk in together? I look up again yup there walking together.

"Aspen we need to talk. In private." Paul states.

I knew this was coming. I make no move to get up. I turn back to my food. Luke and Rory leave the room. Far away from me and my mate drama I'm sure.

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