Chapter 21*

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Chapter 21

"Please call me and let me know how things are going." Anna says as she hugs me for the third time.

She really wants me to come and live with her and Paul's family in Kansas until the babies are born but I can't leave my mates or my pack right now. They need their Luna and I need them. I'm happy she's leaving, I don't really fancy her. Her mate James can stay if he likes but I know he won't.

"I will. Have a safe flight." I smile.

"It was a pleasure dear." James says kissing my hand.

"The pleasure is mine Mr. Logan."

I step aside and watch Paul and Luke say their goodbyes. Cam couldn't be bothered to and I know why. He is still in a mood after last night. I understand and I'm proud he didn't kill anyone.

As for Carter she is on maid duty. She could have gotten much worse. Her brother is not allowed in the pack house until further notice from Cam. I asked Rory where he was sent and he just so happens to be staying in one of the cabins not far from the pack house.

"So what do you want to do today?" Paul questions.

"Check on Cam and some online shopping." I reply. "I want to have the nursery finished by the end of the month." I add.

"Do you want any help?"

"With Cam or shopping?" I laugh.


"I think I got Cam. Meet me in my room ten minutes."

"Be careful."

"I'm a Were you know. I probably fight better then the both of you." I tease. "Plus I'm safest when I'm with the both of you." I pat his arm.

"Sure but he has a temper."

"So do you at times."

"I should just come with you." Paul says.

"Fine. Come and see how well he is doing now."

I knock on Cam's door  and a few times but he doesn't answer. I know he is in his room because I can sense him. He's probably mad I stopped him from killing Carter. I knock again and then open the door wide. I'm in shock at what I see. The room is a complete mess. Nothing seems to be broken just really messy. Like he could have been looking for something.

"Cam." I call as I climb over the furniture and other things.

"Aspen." I know that voice it's Chase.

Chase has a completely different voice from Cam. Paul's wolf sounds like Paul but he does take over from time to time so I'm used to this.

"Chase." I huff.

If my mates special power that everyone is talking about is to be able to access their wolves without shifting I don't see how that helps all supernaturals. It's more of a temper thing then anything. Not really a power think I think. Maybe it is, who knows?

"I need Cam. Can you please let him come back?" I don't know how else say it without sounding mean. I don't have time to baby Chase or Cam but I need to talk Cam.

"Cam is here, please speak freely." He says waving his hand.

I walk up to Chase with Paul following close behind. "I'm only going to ask one more time. Let Cam out or else." I don't have time for Chase's games.

"Or else what Aspen?" Chase's eyes flash the darkest shade of blue I have ever seen.

Paul steps up closer behind me. I can feel his chest moving in and out from the heavy breathing. "Do as she says Chase."

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