Chapter 16*

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Chapter 16

I am currently laying on one of the thick brown beams to the high ceiling in the media room. I've been up here since I got up, after breakfast of course. They only reason why I'm up here is because when I woke up both Cam and Paul were gone. Silly reason I know but I can't think of anything else to do without getting into 'trouble'. I mostly want to annoy them for leaving me here. I plan on staying up here until they get back. I'm sure where ever they went I could have went too.

I let my leg hang off the beam and Stark let out a gasp. I roll my eyes. Even if I fall there won't be any real damage. Unless I'm pregnant then I really shouldn't be up here.

"I swear to god Aspen if you don't get down right now I'm coming up." Bass yells.

I laugh, he has been saying that for the pass ten minutes. "I swear to god Aspen if you don't get down right now I'm coming up." I mock in a deep voice.

"Take it easy Bastian she is are Luna." Stark calls to Bass who is now climbing up the side of the house to the support beams.

I watch him as he moves cautiously through the beams reaching me. I smile slyly.

"Don't even think about it."

"Think about what dear sweet Bastian?" I coo.

Before he could stop me I jump landing in a pair of strong arms. They aren't Stark's.

"Causing trouble Kitten." Cam says holding me tight to his chest.

I look over at Paul who's watching the show. "Nope. Your Beta here just ruined my fun."

I try and get out of his arms until he finally gets the hint that I don't want to be held. I'm suppose to be mad at him and Paul for leaving me here.

"What are you doing here anyway don't you have some important Alpha stuff to do?" I snap thinking of a way to escape this room.

Bass jumps from the beams and lands on his feet. I roll my eyes. "Now that you're back Alpha's may I go?" Bass asks.

"Yes Sebastian and Stark you are free to go now." Paul answers.

Can I go too?

"Are you mad at us?" Cam asks studying me for my answer.

I cross my arms over my chest. "No."

Cam laughs. "Yes you are."


"What ever. Are we done here? I have nothing to go do."

"Aspen." Paul calls my name.

"Yes?" I question.

"Don't be mad we only left to surprise you."

I stop walking to the steps. "What kind of surprise?"

"Why should we tell you after you put the twins through hell all morning?"

"It wasn't both of them just Bass." I defend. "Now back to the surprise. Is it a gift?"

"Maybe. Come and find out." Paul says reaching for my hand.

I grab it and follow him to the waiting car. Paul opens my door and buckles my seat belt while Cam enters the back.

I have no idea where we are going but I'm excited to be out of the house.

"We want to have this day with you, just us." Cam purrs in my ear.

I melt in my seat. I haven't had alone time with my mates in a few days. The last time we had it was when they have me their seed. We have only slept side by side.

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