Chapter 13*

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Chapter 13

I'm on my way to find my mates who have some explaining to do. I'm walking toward the library to see if Paul is in there but he's in the office. His strong scent tells me his been in there for a while now. But I don't smell Cam. Actually I want to speak with Cam too about this army they have following me around. It's been a few days and I already want to rip some hearts out. The twins Bass and Stark, Nate and Collins have been within arms reach of me since their arrival. I must have missed that meeting because I didn't agree to it.

I tie my hair up in a ponytail since it's making me hot. I wait and listen to him and Nate talk about the treaty Nate is going to go pick up from my father. I could totally do that. They aren't letting me do much of anything so why not? I knock and enter the office. Nate bows and leaves and I walk up to Paul.

I stop right in front of him. "Hey. You've been in here a while anything I can help with?"

"Beautiful." He says as he pulls me into his lap. "I'm finished now. Did you need something?"

Space, air, freedom. "I wanted to pick up the treaty with Nate and visit my father if that's okay with you?" I feel like I'm back to being that girl who has to ask before I do. Makes my blood boil.

"If that's what you want I guess it won't hurt for you to go with Nate." 

"Thanks. I won't be long then we can go to the library and you can read me some more stories about love." Paul's green eyes light up. I know he enjoy's sharing his passion of literature with me and I enjoy that time with him. It's like being in our own little world.

After getting the okay from Paul I link with Nate so he doesn't leave me. He informs me he is in the media room with Bass. I rush back to my room to put some boots. I turn to leave my room when I notice my window is open. I don't remember leaving it open. I dismiss the thought and meet Nate downstairs.

"Ready Luna?" Nate asks me.


Nate gets up and Bass follows. Just great. I will not be surprised if Stark and Collins pop up out of no where to come along. I huff in annoyance. 

"Where are you going?" Cam asks rising his eyebrow. Where did he come from?

"To my father's." I answer.

Cam stares at me then Bass and Nate before walking out the room without a word. Okay? That's not weird at all. I shrug and walk out the cabin with the guys in tow. I guess we will talk about it when I get back. Or not knowing Cam.

The walk is a little longer than I thought but I don't mind the fresh air. I inhale the fresh scents of greenery and sigh. My wolf purrs she wants to run. We pass a lot of pack members on the way. Each of them bow to show their respect. Most are seeing Nate and Bass for the first time. The she wolves of the pack have taken a liking towards the both of them. I bet they will go crazy once they find out Bass is a twin. Double trouble.

I laugh out loud at the thought. Nate and Bass give me a look as if I'm going crazy. We make a turn down the paved pathway and come up to a nice size two story stone cabin. A few skinny trees planted in the front. It is nice but nothing like the pack house or the others surrounding it.

I walk into the cabin without knocking. My father knows my scent so why bother? "What brings my lovely daughter and who are you two?" His voice bounces off the walls.

"Alpha Diesel I can't visit my father? This is Bass and Nate. Paul and Cam's Beta's."

"Sure you can but I know my daughter so what did you do now?" He asks with a tight face.

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